Articles by Martha Mintz

What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Taking No-Till Diversity Beyond the Annual Cycle

Wildflowers, perennial grasses, intercropped cover crops and more have this Idaho farm leading the pack in crop diversity.
Keeping soil in place in the Palouse can be a real challenge, one we haven’t always been the best at meeting. The growing season is short, and slopes can be as steep as 40-plus degrees.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Adding Diversity and Livestock for a Stronger Bottom Line — Now and in the Future

Playing the long game means this no-tiller’s profits may be more impressive when viewed by the decade rather than the year.
Farmers want to see a profit. They want to see it every year and with every crop. There’s nothing wrong with that exactly, but I want to consider long term potential benefits and compounding profits as much as short-term gain when weighing management strategies.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Securing Stability Through Stacked Enterprises and Stockpiled Carbon

With an eye on a variable future, no-tiller Jesse Hall diversifies his rotations and income streams for lasting success.
Stability is the goal and what drives nearly every decision on our farm. It can come in many forms. I want stability in yields, stability in soil conditions and, ultimately, stability in our farm’s overall economic health.
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Variety Stated: Advancing Cover Crop Genetics and Performance

Advances in cover crop species and variety evaluation, development and breeding will hopefully soon make seed bag tags with “Variety Not Stated” (VNS) the odd rarity, not the norm.
T he steady rise of cover crop use and interest in recent years has plant breeders, geneticists, agronomists, cropping systems researchers, government agencies, universities and seed companies turning their attention to making the practice a success.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

No-Till and Cover Crops Give Tired Soils New Life

It was an uphill battle, but these Missouri no-tillers returned productivity to a heavily depleted farm.
A cross-state move and knowing the potential of no-till bought our family and the land we purchased a fresh start. A commitment to cover crops gave us a mid-race boost we’re still riding.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

On-Farm Testing and Evaluation Lead to 100% No-Till Adoption

Crunching the numbers on no-till and other practices helps the Williams family dial in peak economic farm performance.
Ignorance may be bliss, but it’s no way to farm. Instead of blindly seeking the highest yields and following conventional management recommendations, my wife, Kelli, and I work to track, evaluate and problem solve on the farm we started together.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

A New Legacy of Improving Economy, Profitability and Best Practices

Trent Profit builds on years of conservation practices to take his family farm to the next level.
I WAS BORN into no-till and there’s a running joke I wouldn’t know how to drive a tractor straight if I had to thanks to the family’s quick adoption of guidance technology.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Cattle and Covers on Every Acre Help No-Tillers Drive Down Cost

Using cattle to manage corn-on-corn residue helped push this Iowa farm to 100% no-till. Now covers are taking them even further.
THE DAY WE realized we don’t need tillage to manage heavy corn-on-corn residue because we have cows to graze it was the day we were able to shift from dabbling in no-till to committing 100% 3 years ago.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Achieving Profits and Sustainability with a Properly Cycling System

In this no-tiller’s book, conservation practices must work for your soils and your bank account.
The good thing about Cashton soils is they don’t dry out. The bad thing about Cashton soils is they don’t dry out. That’s the saying around here. It’s partly why I use cover crops like cereal rye.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Leveling Up and Paring Down for Better No-Till Results

Integrating no-till, then cover crops, cattle, compost, autoinducers and more are ramping up performance for this Colorado dryland producer.
We keep hitting new levels with our no-till system. There’s no stopping and it keeps farming interesting — certainly more interesting than the traditional wheat-fallow rotation we used to follow.
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