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As input prices pressure farm income, environmental scrutiny increases and prominent food producers for consumer markets demand more sustainable farming practices from suppliers, the role of pollinators and beneficial insects will likely become a more important role in conservation agriculture going forward. 

Pollinators and beneficial insects are nature’s way of dealing with pest and they can be a significant asset to no-tillers and strip-tillers if managed properly. The re-emergence of cover crops is bringing the role of pollinators into greater focus as well, as growers are experimenting with different cover mixes and specialty crops to bring in desired species. 

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In this eGuide, “How Beneficial Insects, Pollinators Can Boost No-Till Resilience,” you’ll learn the following: 

  • How no-till practices and diverse cover-crop mixes act as a beacon to beneficial insect communities that pollinate crops, munch on weed seeds and kill yield-robbing crop pests — all to your benefit.
  • The role buffer zones, cover crops and native prairie strips play in nurturing the symbiotic relationship between insects, soils and flowering plants.
  • How beneficial insects can perform the dual role of improving soil health and profits – and how a no-tiller approached this goal on his family’s farm.
  • What the practice of interseeding cover crops into cash crops can bring for no-tillers who want to improve insect diversity in their fields. 

You’ll hear from experienced subject-matter experts like entomologist Ecdysis Foundation entomologist Mike Bredeson, Blue Dasher Farm CEO Jonathan Lundgren, and Jorgensen Land & Cattle owner Bryan Jorgensen, a no-tiller from Ideal, S.D.; and Eric Mader, co-director of the Pollinator Conservation Program at the Xerces Society.

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Download and print this free report to learn more about the positive effects insects and pollinators can have on your no-till operation to boost yields, reduce pest pressure and improve profits.

Yours for better no-tilling,
John Dobberstein, Senior Editor
No-Till Farmer