Free Downloadable Report!
Dear Reader,
Short-term, landowners are the recipients of the rent check, but also have a vested long-term interest in retaining value, as well. After all, if a field or farm is depleted of its ability to yield, what is there to sell? What can be passed on to descendants?
With competition in accessing additional rented acres of great concern, the editors of No-Till Farmer have developed a free downloadable 37-page special report, How No-Till Improves Your Land Value, make a stronger case that no-tillers will take better care of the owner’s soils.
In this special report, you’ll find expertise on both sides of the table:
- We talked to landlords who want their ground treated well and who were willing to walk away from landlord relationships to achieve that.
- We scoured possible sources for income beyond the seasonal yield figures.
- You’ll hear from a landlord directly insistent in getting no-till practices on to his property.
- We talked to academics who put a hard dollar amount on the value no-till adds to the land.
Download, print and share this free report with your landowner to start and support the discussion you might have been meaning to have for a while. Stand out from conventional renters by helping educate your landowner on the advantages of no-till, cover crops and carbon sequestration that will protect their precious soils for decades to come.
Yours for better no-tilling,
Frank Lessiter
No-Till Farmer
No-Tillers and Landowners Work Together For Value
Our editors share tips on how no-tillers and landowners can utilize this report for maximum effectiveness.
A Landowner’s Responsibility
All of society has an interest in the land used for our food production and recreation, and therefore the owners and renters have a responsibility to treat it in the best possible manner.
What’s No-Till Worth To Landowners?
About $15 per acre in Iowa, and about $8 per acre in other areas, according to research from North Carolina State University.
No-Tilling Adds $112 Per Acre in Environmental Value for the Non-Farm Public
From improved water and air quality to greater carbon sequestration, no-till offers benefits not only to farmers but to society as a whole.
Landowner Buy-In Critical to Boosting Adoption of Conservation Measures
Studies show common interest between landowners and farm operators in conservation and overall long-term land productivity, but barriers exist to effective communication regarding lease agreements.
Capitalize on Conservation with Funding Programs
Whether via the government, carbon markets or suppliers, opportunities abound to help no-tillers employ soil health practices profitably.
Women Landowners Arm for Conservation Push
A growing number of women landowners seek a role in land operational decisions, helped by federally funded outreach programs.
Crop Residue Promotes Higher Soil Organic Matter
While increasing organic matter is a multi-year process, no-tillers can accelerate it by ensuring there’s enough plant material to replenish what’s already in the soil and adding more residue.
7 Critical Questions to Ask Potential Farmer Tenants
How to tell if your tenant shares a conservation approach to land management.
Farmland Rental: Check Your Options to Fit Mutual Needs
How to hammer out the fine print to include no-till, conservation ag and cover crops.
Useful Web Resources
Starting points for landowners interested in conservation.