Articles by Martha Mintz

What I’ve Learned from No-Tilling

Cover Crops Pay Big Time In A Drought

Born into no-till, Willis Jepson of Orlinda, Tenn., added cover crops to a legacy of building resilient soils that helped crops fare better against drought.
I’ve been no-tilling 45 years. That’s also my age. No-till is all I’ve ever known as my dad and grandfather were early adopters of the practice.
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What I’ve Learned from No-Tilling

No-Till Success, Improved Soil Health Means ‘No More’ Chemical Fallow

This northern Montana couple grazes beef and improves soil life with farm-produced microorganisms that they grow, extract and apply to eight different no-tilled crops.

Our soils used to be dead. Now we have mushrooms growing down the rows with our crops. It’s a whimsical nod to the soil health we’ve worked so adamantly to build since we took over farming from Korey’s dad, Randy, in 2012. 

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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Focus on No-Till, Soil Health Puts Farm Problems Out to Pasture

Veteran no-tiller Terry Ness has found a focus on soil health and diverse rotations can mean reduced inputs and security in the face of weather, insects, weeds and disease.
My soils were on the verge of giving out on me when I finally made the switch to no-till. I’m a first-generation farmer.
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What I’ve Learned from No-Tilling

Soaking Up Regenerative Ag Knowledge Builds Stable Foundation

Having returned to farming after a career in construction, Chris Schmidt was open to every idea his son brought home from college.
I’m not afraid to listen to my kid. My dad, Dale, was a little more skeptical, but then again, skeptical is understandable — especially when it was his living that was on the line when my son, Brad, and I wanted to do a little experimenting
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

No-Tilling Boy Scout Style: Always Prepared

Robust storage allows off-peak bulk purchase of farm inputs, which are then applied at the perfect time with on-farm application equipment run by expert help.
No-till is all I’ve ever known. The practice was developed just 2 hours south of us in Christian County, Ky. My dad and grandfather bought an Allis-Chalmers no-till planter in the 1980s. By the time I purchased my first piece of land as a sophomore in college it wasn’t even a thought to put a plow to it. It just wasn’t how we farmed
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

No More ‘More-On’ Farming

Synthetics are out on this North Dakota farm. Stimulating the soil biome to produce hundreds of thousands of dollars of inputs is in.
Efficiency drove our shift to no-till in 1999. The practice meant less fuel, fewer tractor passes and reduced man hours. For all other aspects of our operation, though, it was more, more, more.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Getting by with Less is Giving this No-Tiller More to Cheer About

Reducing tillage, slashing nitrogen, cutting seed treatments and opting for untraited corn have savings adding up and profits peaking.
I wanted to no-till. I would search out no-till planters online or in classified ads and just wish. But with only 240 acres, I just couldn’t justify the expense — at least not until a supportive friend stepped in.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Transitioning a No-Till Legacy

Slashing fuel, doubling soil organic matter and retiring with pride were rewards for forging on in fringe no-till country.
I had hoped to raise 50 crops before I retired, but 48 is pretty darn close. 
The timing just seemed right at the end of 2021 to keep pushing for 50 crops on our Canton, Miss., farm. In 2019 we had reduced acres, letting all our rented ground go and just farming what we owned.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Collaborating with No-Till Pros Takes Farm from Bleak to Booming

Matt and Janna Splitter connected with long-time no-tillers Margaret and Lee Scheufler for guidance. What they got was so much more.
It started with one simple question asked to no-tiller Lee Scheufler at a winter meeting: “Why do you plant soybeans with an airseeder on 7½-inch rows?” A farmer icebreaker if there ever was one. 
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