Articles by Martha Mintz

What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Using Precision At Every Turn Yields Success

Kentucky no-tiller Mark Chapman fully embraces technology to maximize his planter setups, nutrient inputs and crop rotations.
WATCHING SOME OF the best soils we owned wash away in a big storm accelerated my family’s move to 100% no-till. My father, James, had tried no-tilling in the late 1960s, starting with soybeans behind the small amount of wheat we grew at that point.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Cattle, Cover Crops, No-Till and Improved Soil Health Provide Returns

Fifth generation of Doans keeping North Dakota’s Black Leg Ranch abundant with diverse business plan of cattle, crops and agritourism.
Some of the soils I helped farm as a child in southwestern North Dakota are probably somewhere in South Dakota now. I grew up in the era of wheat and summer fallow. A lot of the ground around here is very sandy and marginal. Did it ever blow when we were tilling. I remember as a kid getting sent with a disc or a drag to try and make it stop blowing. It seemed so futile, and it was.
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Iowa Brothers’ No-Till Success a Product of Tradition, Education and Attitude

A rigorous equipment maintenance program and trying new practices, such as deploying cover crops, keep the Pillings moving forward.
WHEN WE STEP into our office, soil conservation posters serve to remind us why we do the things we do on our farm. Our soils need to be protected and nourished to keep waterways healthy and the nation’s food supply sustainable.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Making No-Till ‘Conventional’ is the Goal

Dedication to conservation and community has driven Dick Wittman and his family business partners to pursue no-till and share knowledge.
We’re not farmers, ranchers or loggers — we’re resource managers. That’s one of many mindset shifts our family has made as we transition from generation to generation farming wildly varying terrain near Lewiston, Idaho.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Building Fertility Takes Long-term No-Till to the Next Level

Cover crops, the right equipment and no-till have improved the scant 6 inches of topsoil at Paul Kelly’s farms, and now he’s looking to the next boost.
I started farming on the brink of the 1980s farm crisis. I graduated from high school in 1983 and was raring to continue in the farming tradition established by my father and grandfather.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Once a Naysayer, Agronomist is Now a No-Till Champion

Years of no-till experience enables Bud Smith to help no-tillers find the weakest link in their field, such as seed placement and nitrogen timing.
I'm not sure anyone has changed their stance on no-till more than me. As the agronomy manager of Caledonia Farmers Elevator in Michigan, the farmers I advised always looked to me for the solutions to their problems. When the early innovator farmers I worked with started attempting no-till, I watched a lot of failures and I didn’t have any good answers at the time.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Mistakes Create Win-Wins for No-Tiller Eager to Learn

Mistakes have led to more than one production practice that has paid off on our farm. Replanting hailed out crops resulted in our current twin-row planting strategy and a load of fertilizer I couldn’t send back helped us achieve soybean crops capable of winning yield contests. In fact, in three out of the last five years I’ve had the highest yields for the local Pioneer yield contest and one of those years I won the territory. No-till wasn’t an accident, but some unintended lessons helped prove it was the right fit for our farm.
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What I've Learned From No-Tilling: Cover Crops, Water Management Are Longtime No-Tiller’s Latest Tricks

Kelly Tobin, 85, has long been dedicated to learning, and is still picking up new tricks to advance production on his farm and others he manages.
Kelly Tobin, 85, has long been dedicated to learning, and is still picking up new tricks to advance production on his farm and others he manages.
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