No-Till Farming 101

What I've Learned from No-Tilling

No-Till Is Good For Everyone!

No-till is now at the point where it not only can improve soil structure and stop erosion, but could also have far-reaching effects on consumer preferences and human health.
One of the first things I like to do when I talk to no-till farmers is to explain why my long title – rhizosphere ecologist – fits right in with what they’re trying to achieve with direct seeding or no-tilling. (The terms are generally interchangeable).
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Eight Steps To Better No-Tilling

How will your planter perform in no till? Today’s stronger, heavier equipment is designed to cut and handle residue, penetrate soil to your desired seeding depth, get proper seed-to-soil contact and close the seed-vee.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Cash In With No-Till's "Opportunity Time"

No-till provides more time for off-farm work, to crop more acres, have more fun with the family or devote extra hours to other farm enterprises.
My first experience with no-tilling began back in 1978 when I conducted a study for my master’s thesis on planter performance with various tillage systems. I visited 150 producers and observed their planters being used in the field.
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Choose A Crop Consultant Wisely

Determining who can guide your no-till choices can be tricky. Here’s how to be sure you select the right person.
You,ve got a lot to think about. Which herbicide to use? Which equipment modifications should you try next year? And you still need to determine if your return on investment is worth your efforts.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Longer No-Till Rotations Were The Answer

No-till offers greater yield advantages in dryer years because it provides about 2 inches of extra soil moisture at seeding time.
Over the years since my dad started no-tilling in 1978, we’ve had a lot to learn — and not much of a growing season to learn it in. On our extreme northern farm that is less than 30 miles south of the Canadian border, we’re lucky to get 90 to 110 frost-free days, creating a situation not unlike Siberia (our average January temperature is minus 5 degrees Fahrenheit). This year we even had snow on May 11.
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Getting Uncle Sam To Pay

Before you give up on applying for the government’s conservation incentive programs, here is some information to increase your odds to cash in.
Despite whatever feelings you might have about the government, when it comes to no-till, Uncle Sam “gets it” and offers incentives to help growers adopt or expand no-till operations. That’s the good news.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

They Went Cold Turkey With No-Till

New no-tillers can count on making fewer trips across the field and spending less for less labor and fuel, but you’ll be devoting more time to management.
In the Mid-1980s, we switched from moldboard plowing to a conservation farming system of chisel plowing, discing and planting. It was the recommended soil saving system of the time, but we seemed to be stuck in place.
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Nitrogen 101

Switching to no-till is the best thing you can do for your soils. But soil management can be tricky. The key is understanding nitrogen.
If ever there was an article to pass on to neighbors who have talked about switching to no-tilling but haven’t because of the horror stories they’ve heard about the transition period, this is the one.
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No-Tilling In The United Kingdom

Methods found in Kansas and Oklahoma successfully transplanted to English fields farmed by family since 16th century.
Meet Jim Bullock. This no-tiller from Worcestershire, England, who also works as a farm consultant, believes that no-tilling is no longer an idealistic conservation idea in Europe, it’s reality. His switch to no-tilling on land his family has farmed for more than 485 years reveals what’s been happening on the no-till scene in Europe.
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