No-Till Farming 101

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No-Till Pioneer Passes On

Back in 1962, Harry Young Jr., began experimenting with no-till on 7/t0s acre on his Herndon, Ky., farm. It led him to eventually no-till 1,800 acres of crops each year from only 1,200 acres with doublecropping. Teaming up with University of Kentucky agronomist Shirley Phillips, Young quickly demonstrated the many benefits of no-till.
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49 Highly Powerful No-Tilling Ideas

Four veteran no-tillers offer valuable tips to help you no-till more efficiently and profitably this year.
With plenty of unique experiences, four veteran no-tillers shared lots of valuable tips, tricks and techniques that you can put to good use. They were part of a panel that shared ideas with attendees at the 13th annual National No-Tillage Conference held in January in Cincinnati, Ohio.
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The Whole Package Counts In No-Till

The fine points might change, but the success of no-tilling anywhere hinges on applying the critical basics.
The essentials of no-tilling are severely tested in an area with a short growing season, just 12 inches of rain annually and the potential for frost 365 days a year. Those are the conditions that Tim Melville faces as he no-tills 3,000 acres with his sons near Enterprise, Ore., in the shadow of the Cascade Mountains.
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The Essay Winners Are...

In the Phoenix Rotary Equipment Ltd. conservation tillage essay contest, Katie Smith of Bainbridge, Ga., won first place and a $2,500 college scholarship. She attends Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College in Miami, Okla.
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Just One Step At A Time!

The winning entry from a Georgia college student in the Phoenix Rotary Equipment Ltd. conservation tillage essay contest explains how her three-generation family dealt with the controversial idea of strip-tilling.
In homes all across america, casual conversations to heated discussions are held about such issues as Democrats or Republicans, right wing or left wing, college football and professional baseball. But not in my house.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

With No-Till, Growers Like What They See

While tradition, low crop prices and resistance from landlords have slowed the growth of no-till adoption, there is clearly a need to continue spreading the word.
During the past three decades, I’ve had the opportunity to evaluate no-till agriculture in southern Illinois from three perspectives.
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Seeing Is Believing With No-Till

When this Ohio farm family started no-tilling, its average corn and soybean yields doubled.
As a spirited young farmer, Von Mohler drove from Sidney, Ohio, to Hopkinsville, Ky., to see no-tiller Harry Young. He didn’t find Young, but did see impressive no-till fields.
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