No-Till Farming 101

What No-Tillers Are Doing Differently This Fall

Faced with higher costs, less moisture and changing cropping opportunities, No-Till Farmer readers are not sitting still, and they’re making significant cropping changes this fall.
When we asked No-Till Farmer readers to describe the critical changes they’re making this fall, we received a wide variety of ideas. Faced with needing to make changes based on rising expenses, environmental concerns and weather worries, these innovative no-tillers are adopting a number of different ideas to boost yields, trim costs and improve profitability.
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28 Critical Points To Consider Before No-Tilling Continuous Corn

Mindful of an emerging trend, an agricultural engineer offers guidelines to thoughtful decision-making for no-tillers thinking about leaping into monoculture corn.
Before Paul Jasa will even discuss no-till continuous corn, he issues a strong warning about monoculture farming. The highly respected University of Nebraska extension agricultural engineer has worked for more than 30 years “preaching” a systems approach to no-till, including crop rotation.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Yes, You Can No-Till Into Live Cover Crops

Important lessons are still being learned, but the system further protects the soil for long-term benefits.
Anyone who heard me talk about my operation at the 2006 National No-Tillage Conference in St. Louis knows that I'm as close to paranoid about soil loss as a person can get.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

From Rough Start To Smooth Ride, We Keep Looking

An open mind about management practices and equipment is a key tool in taking no-till fields to their full potential.
We started no-tilling in the mid-1980s with the wrong attitude, the wrong tools and not enough knowledge to make it work. It fell flat on its face. Yet, here we are in 2006, confidently no-tilling 1,300 acres.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

After Nearly 25 Years, Improvements Still Keep Coming

An open mind welcomes a lot of ideas that, with a little tweaking, can deliver even more success to your fields.
Talk to 10 no-tillers and you’ll probably hear 10 slightly different viewpoints on why it pays to quit disturbing and start building the soil. At Sheridan Farms, we’ve got our list, too. We’ve been able to drop from five marketed crops to two or three without any loss in productivity or farm income.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

After Three Decades Of No-Tilling, There's Still More To Learn

Never stop looking to improve your fields, your cropsand your profits, says one of the early adopters of no-tilling.
When I first gave no-till a serious look in 1972, we were lucky to harvest 60 bushels of corn per acre in southwestern Nebraska. I couldn’t have dreamed then that we would be setting ambitious but realistic yield goals of 250-bushel corn and near 100-bushel soybeans and wheat for 2006.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

A Practical Approach To No-Tilling Helps Lead Newcomers To Benefits

NRCS representative takes a realistic approach to winning converts and proving the long-term advantages of moving away from conventional tillage.
With the recent focus on the benefits of cover crops, it is ironic that research plots evaluating corn planted into hairy vetch sparked my initial interest in no-till. Those first impressions were made when I was a student at Western Kentucky University nearly 25 years ago.
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Plenty Of Hot Topics To Pick From As St. Louis Becomes Center Of No-Till World

National No-Tillage Conference provides answers to the most pressing challenges facing growers in the coming season and beyond.
The biggest crowd in years, more than 700 people, attended the 14th annual National No-Tillage Conference in St. Louis and went home with plenty to think about and put to use on their farms.
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Check The Winners!

A number of National No-Tillage Conference attendees took home more than just new no-tilling ideas.
Besides taking home plenty of new ideas from the 4-day, in-depth program and networking with fellow attendees in St. Louis, Mo., 19 farmers went home with extremely valuable products free from the 14th annual National No-Tillage Conference.
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