No-Till Farming 101

What I've Learned from No-Tilling

World Records Still Leave Room For Higher Yields

Kip Cullers says he — and other no-tillers — can produce yields that go beyond levels that already leave some observers in disbelief.
It's an understatement to say that we’ve had a lot of publicity since harvest of 2006, when the word got out that my farm had placed first or second in three categories of the National Corn Growers Association yield contest (including a first-place 347.26 bushels per acre in a no-till irrigated class) and also weighed out a world-record soybean yield of 139 bushels per acre with conventional tillage.
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What If A No-Tiller Wrote The Farm Bill

An innovative approach that offers major Farm Bill conservation and environmental benefits is really built around tripling the current no-till acreage.
Since the 1980s, Ray McCormick has seen that the major benefits of no-till include saving fuel, curbing erosion, building soil organic matter, boosting wildlife numbers and protecting the environment for future generations.
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Tips From The No-Till Champs

Here are some fresh profit-building ideas to try in your no-till corn fields.
While participants in corn yield contests often try a few yield-boosting ideas that wouldn’t always prove to be profitable across their entire acreage, they also use some ideas that may work in your own no-tilled fields.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Time Savings Allow for Speciality Crops

High-starch corn and Roundup Ready soybean seed are two crops made possible because no-tilling gives Sam Swinford the time needed for these niche markets.
We made our initial commitment to continuous no-tilling during the early years of Roundup Ready soybean development. We had gained experience with no-tilling double-cropped soybeans into wheat stubble, but we weren’t totally impressed. We found that heavy residue from the wheat crop tied up nitrogen and was costing us fertilizer dollars. We were also experimenting with no-tilling soybeans into corn stubble, which was getting easier with new narrow-row equipment.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Cover Crops Offer Big Yield Boosts If Done Correrctly

No-tillers can find success by committing to, selecting and buying their seed early, planting early and controlling the cover crop early and thoroughly the following spring.
It’s hard to remember when we didn’t do some type of no-tilling or reduced-tillage on our southeastern Illinois farm. We really got into high gear around the mid-1980s. Some of our first results were with corn planted into wheat stubble or a red clover cover crop. We took advantage of the PIK (Payment in Kind) federal farm program during those years to make a serious commitment to long-term no-tilling.
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Brain Trust Gathers Again At National No-Tillage Conference

A total of 728 attendees, the most in more than a decade, came together in Des Moines, Iowa, to discuss the latest in no-tilling and where we go from here.
THE ANNUAL National No-Tillage Conference has evolved into part meeting of the minds, with no-till experts and novices gathering from across the country and the world, and part family reunion, with even first-time attendees bonding quickly during the intense but friendly event.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Milestones Mark Path To No-Till On Family Farm

Innovative terraces and early experiences with the benefits of residue-covered soil pointed to the advantages that no-tilling would deliver to the Wahling family acreage.D
OUR farm in southwestern Iowa has been a leader in soil conservation since the “dirty” 1930s. My father was one of the first individuals to install field terraces on our highly erodible land to slow water runoff and save the topsoil. We’ve kept a copy of the Des Moines Sunday Register from October 1968 that describes how Dad (Edgar Wahling) and I constructed the first push-up grassed-backslope terrace in the United States.
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