In this episode of the “No-Till Farmer Influencers & Innovators” podcast, brought to you by Topcon Agriculture, No-Till Farmer editor Frank Lessiter talks with Mike Starkey, who no-tills 2,500 acres of wheat, corn, soybeans and hay in Brownsburg, Ind.
“In 2012, we had a drought. One day I dug a soil pit and found that because of the cover crops, the roots were going down through the glacial till, I’m talking 5-6 feet deep. A few days later I came back and there was water in the bottom of the pit, which showed me that the soil is acting like a sponge now because of the structure. That water came from the rain we had gotten two months earlier.…” — Mike Starkey
Listen in as Mike discusses strategies for planting and terminating an annual ryegrass cover crop, what makes for a good no-till corn hybrid, why he’s no-tilling non-GMO corn but not non-GMO soybeans, how his soil's water-holding capacity has improved over the years, the importance of pattern tiling and much more.
P.S. There’s lots more great no-till stories and history in Frank Lessiter’s new book, From Maverick to Mainstream: A History of No-Till Farming. Check it out here.
No-Till Influencers & Innovators podcast series is brought to you by Topcon Agriculture.
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Intro Music: Adam Selzer - True North
Interlude Music: Alialujah Choir - Little Picture (Instrumental)