Items Tagged with 'Cover Crop'


Best of the Web

No-Till Highlights: April 11, 2024

No-Till Farmer editors encounter a variety of articles, social media posts, podcasts and videos that offer a unique look at the grower's realm from the lofty digital realm. Here is our favorite content from the past week from across the web. The Best of the Web series is brought to you by GBGI Inc.
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Discussion: What's the Best Drill for No-Tilling Small Grains?

A discussion in the Organic Grain Resource and Information Network (OGRAIN) email group started with a question about upgrading a drain grill for no-tilling fields of small grains and seeded forages, and from there, evolved into a larger conversation about other farm equipment preferences and advice.

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Three Ways to Reduce Nitrogen Loss

Nitrate leaching is a major concern in coarse-textured agricultural soils because it can cause economic losses for farmers and contaminate groundwater. While some nitrate leaching may be inevitable when growing corn on sandy soils, there are several management strategies that can be implemented to limit nitrate loss. Here are some key takeaways from a recent five-year study looking at three major factors impacting nitrate leaching: drainage, nitrogen availability, and cropping system.
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field of clover cover crop

Cover Crop Termination Tradeoffs

A fall-planted cereal rye, wheat, or triticale cover crop can have both positive and negative impacts, for example by tying up nitrogen, reducing soil moisture prior to planting, increasing insect pressure, reducing weed pressure, reducing soil erosion and allelopathy. These tips from the University of Nebraska will share tradeoffs to help you better assess cover crop termination timing for your operation and risk level. 

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