
Ray McCormick stands in a field of annual ryegrass, balansa and crimson clover cover crops. Behind him, there are unharvested soybeans for wildlife and on either side of him he uses native prairie grass as a conservation buffer. Mackane Vogel

Searching for a Silver Lining After a Tough Year of No-Tilling

Ray McCormick finds bright spot planting into cattle tracks, despite a challenging year dominated by bad weather & labor shortages

In a year that was overshadowed by unreliable labor and less-than-ideal weather conditions, Ray McCormick is still finding positives to focus on and new theories and strategies to test out next season. 

Being a farming veteran, McCormick is no stranger to a rough year — but he knows what it takes to soldier on and shift the focus to next year’s growing season. 

“A lot of years are rough for various reasons — this year certainly included. A lot of years you say to yourself ‘man if I had to go through that again I don’t know if I would want to keep doing this,’ but you keep going,” he says. 

Timing Is Everything

As spring temperatures remained relatively cool for the Vincennes, Ind., no-tiller and many of his neighbors had already planted much of their crops, McCormick decided to wait longer because he has always been a big proponent of not planting into cold and wet conditions. In April, it was still cold in Vincennes, but soil conditions were not overly wet — at least not yet. 

In early May, the weather started warming up and McCormick saw what he thought was a perfect window to plant. Then came the rain and a lot of it. 

“Suddenly we got horrendous rainfall — 5 inches in just one night and that wasn’t all of it either,” McCormick says. “That really damaged a lot of our crops and as a result, soybean stands were reduced and waterhemp came in really bad…

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Mackane Vogel

Mackane Vogel is the Associate Editor of Farm Equipment, No-Till Farmer, Cover Crop Strategies and other Lessiter Media publications. An avid writer for the last 10 years, he previously served as the editorial intern for 88Nine Radio Milwaukee and also wrote for several different sports journalism outlets before joining the Lessiter Media team in 2022. Mackane is a 2020 journalism graduate of Marquette University.

Contact: mvogel@lesspub.com

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