Julia Gerlach

Julia Gerlach

Julia Gerlach is the former Executive Editor of No-Till Farmer. She has a lengthy background in publishing and a longtime interest in gardening and mycology. She graduated with a B.A. in music and philosophy from Alverno College in Milwaukee, Wis.


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Stop Treating Your Soil Like Dirt

It’s imperative that soil be protected and conserved as much as possible because the simple fact is that we no longer have the luxury of leaving our degraded soils in the dust as we go in search of new ground. We must take care of the soil if we have any hope that it will continue to provide for us.

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Focus on the ‘4Rs’ for Higher Yields

The 2022 No-Till Farmer Conservation Ag Operator Fellow delves into the ‘4Rs’ of nutrient management: Right source, right time, right rate and right place.
With 35 years’ experience working for the University of Wisconsin Extension, research is second nature for Sparta, Wis., no-tiller Jim Leverich. Now retired, he maintains a rigorous program of testing to get the best yields he can on his 1,000-acre corn-soybean operation that his forbears began as a 25-acre orchard in 1864. In testing components of the “4Rs” of nutrient management, he’s found anhydrous ammonia consistently provides the most efficient source of nitrogen (N) while offering the highest level of safety for the environment.
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Beat Glyphosate-Resistant Weeds by Planting Green

In the fight against increasing herbicide resistance, the practice of planting green into a living cover crop offers weed suppression and potential money savings.
For independent research agronomist Jim Stute, the appearance of glyphosate-resistant giant ragweed, waterhemp and marestail on his East Troy, Wis., farm was alarming. But it was also an opportunity — an opportunity to test the ability of cover crops to suppress marestail and other troublesome weeds and reduce reliance on glyphosate.
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No-Till Farmer Influencers & Innovators

[Video] Randall Reeder and the History of Ridge-Tilling

For this episode of the No-Till Farmer Influencers & Innovators podcast, brought to you by SOURCE®️ by Sound Agriculture, Randall Reeder and Frank Lessiter discuss ridge-tilling.
For this episode of the No-Till Farmer Influencers & Innovators podcast, brought to you by SOURCE®️ by Sound Agriculture, Randall Reeder and Frank Lessiter discuss the history of ridge-tilling. 
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Microscopic Management Puts No-Tillers on Path to Profitability

Field-level input controls and an interseeding focus South Dakota no-tillers seeking continual improvement.
Alex Frasier and his dad, Jayme, may be the ideal father-son farming duo. Alex, an independent agronomist who also farms when he’s not working his day job, provides know-how on fertility, seeding practices and crop protection.
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[Podcast] Conservation Ag Fellowship: Lifelong No-Till Learning

For this episode of the No-Till Farmer podcast, brought to you by SOURCE by Sound Agriculture, we caught up with Jim Leverich of Sparta, Wis., to ask him about some of the things he’s learned about no-till since he was first introduced to the practice back in the 1980s.
For this episode of the No-Till Farmer podcast, brought to you by SOURCE by Sound Agriculture, we caught up with Jim Leverich of Sparta, Wis., to ask him about some of the things he’s learned about no-till since he was first introduced to the practice back in the 1980s.
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No-Till History

[Video] I Farm Ugly Song

A lot of no-tillers have seen the “Farm Ugly” bumper sticker promoting no-till with Gramoxone Super, but most no-tillers are not aware (or have long forgotten) that no-till was the subject of a country music song in the late 1980s, called “I Farm Ugly.” The No-Till History series is made possible by Calmer Corn Heads.
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No-Till Farmer Podcast

[Video] A Savage Take on No-Till

For this episode of the No-Till Farmer podcast, brought to you by SOURCE by Sound Agriculture, we caught up with Steve Savage to chat with him about a couple of his recent articles. Stay tuned to hear him discuss the history of no-till farming, why the practice has been so important, and how it will play a role in the future of conservation.
For this episode of the No-Till Farmer podcast, brought to you by SOURCE by Sound Agriculture, we caught up with Steve Savage to chat with him about a couple of his recent articles. Stay tuned to hear him discuss the history of no-till farming, why the practice has been so important, and how it will play a role in the future of conservation.
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[Podcast] A Savage Take on No-Till

For this episode of the No-Till Farmer podcast, brought to you by SOURCE by Sound Agriculture, we caught up with Steve Savage to chat with him about a couple of his recent articles. Stay tuned to hear him discuss the history of no-till farming, why the practice has been so important, and how it will play a role in the future of conservation.
For this episode of the No-Till Farmer podcast, brought to you by SOURCE by Sound Agriculture, we caught up with Steve Savage to chat with him about a couple of his recent articles. Stay tuned to hear him discuss the history of no-till farming, why the practice has been so important, and how it will play a role in the future of conservation.
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Conservation Ag Operator Fellowship

No-Till Trials Zero in on Hybrids, Fertilizer Applications

Getting peak performance in a no-till system goes beyond having the right planter. Sparta, Wis., no-tiller Jim Leverich uses extensive on-farm trials to select the best genetics and fertilizer program for optimum yield potential on his ground.
Sparta, Wis., home to Jim Leverich, No-Till Farmer’s 2022 Conservation Ag Operator Fellow, is not far from the beautiful sandstone bluffs of the Mississippi River. Hugging the west-central part of the state, Leverich’s farm features a range of soils from sandy loam to heavier clay loam soils.
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