No-Till Farmer


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December 2020

Volume: 49
Edition: 12

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    35 Years of No-Till Savings

    AT 29 YEARS OF AGE, Nick Jorgensen has never operated any tillage equipment. Inspired by the native prairie system in south central South Dakota, his family began implementing no-till practices in the 1980s that are now helping them dramatically trim costs.
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    chlorophyll analysis

    Should You Rely on Technology to Guide Your Nitrogen Decisions?

    A soil scientist explains the accuracy of different nitrogen advisory tools, their limitations, and whether they’re likely to provide a return on investment.
    NITROGEN (N) IS ONE of the biggest influencers on corn yield. In fact, University of Illinois plant physiologist Fred Below called it the second most important factor in his “Seven Wonders of the Corn Yield World,” ranked just behind weather.
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    Lee Curby and David Moose.jpg
    What I've Learned from No-Tilling

    One Bold Move Leads to Decades of No-Till Success

    Jumping aggressively into no-till and later cover crops created an efficient, productive system and flexibility for off-farm adventures.
    I’M A BIT of an adventurer. In my 20s I ran triathlons, then I traveled the country as a wind surfer and for the last 15 years I’ve enjoyed getting way off the beaten path with my dirt bike. I’m certainly not afraid to try something different or think outside the box and that’s true in my farming operation, too.
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    Combining No-Till, Covers, Pheasants and Cattle

    South Dakota grower Dennis Hoyle shares insights on how he’s been successful with no-till for more than 35 years and integrated cover crops and livestock into the system.

    DENNIS HOYLE SAYS that a radio broadcast in 2015 changed his thinking about cover crops and cash crops. 

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    Long-Term No-Till Plots Unlock Secrets of the Soil

    Southern Illinois University researchers share data that explains the efficiency and effectiveness of no-till systems when it comes to profitable yields, nutrient cycling, earthworm populations and more.
    LONG-TERM DATA from one of the oldest sets of no-till research plots in the U.S. has unearthed a number of interesting findings that confirm no-tilled soils become more efficient and productive over time and do a better job of storing carbon than with tilled fields.
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    Capturing Sunlight, Building Carbon with Strip Cropping and Interseeding

    A continual search for a more profitable bottom line led this Wisconsin strip-tiller to embrace no-till, interseeded covers and alternative row spacing.
    A LONG-TIME strip-tiller, Marty Weiss has been conservation-minded for years. But he’s taken inspiration from the recent widespread focus on soil health and in the past few years tackled several new practices, including no-till, strip cropping, interseeding cover crops in both 30-inch and 60-inch corn, planting green and even seeding covers for regenerative grazing.
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    DIY Tips for Scouting Your Soils

    An NRCS soil health specialist shares simple, on-farm techniques growers can use to evaluate soil biology, aggregate structure and compaction of their soils.
    SOIL HEALTH SPECIALISTS are in demand at farms and field days across the country, as their targeted knowledge about the life below ground increasingly offers keen insights about nutrient cycling, water infiltration, biological activity and more. Rainfall simulators, slake tests, and soil pits are their calling cards.
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    chlorophyll analysis

    Should You Rely on Technology to Guide Your Nitrogen Decisions?

    A soil scientist explains the accuracy of different nitrogen advisory tools, their limitations, and whether they’re likely to provide a return on investment.
    NITROGEN (N) IS ONE of the biggest influencers on corn yield. In fact, University of Illinois plant physiologist Fred Below called it the second most important factor in his “Seven Wonders of the Corn Yield World,” ranked just behind weather.
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    Lee Curby and David Moose.jpg
    What I've Learned from No-Tilling

    One Bold Move Leads to Decades of No-Till Success

    Jumping aggressively into no-till and later cover crops created an efficient, productive system and flexibility for off-farm adventures.
    I’M A BIT of an adventurer. In my 20s I ran triathlons, then I traveled the country as a wind surfer and for the last 15 years I’ve enjoyed getting way off the beaten path with my dirt bike. I’m certainly not afraid to try something different or think outside the box and that’s true in my farming operation, too.
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