After more than a decade of testing and four full seasons of commercial sales, Intellicoat Early Plant hybrids show increasing acceptance among no-tillers coping with cold, wet spring soils, reports Landec Ag, developer of the polymer seed-coating product.
A new formulation of paraquat herbicide from Syngenta Crop Protection has been registered by the Environmental Protection Agency. Syngenta says Gramoxone Inteon sets a higher industry standard for protection of users, provides control as effective as Gramoxone Max in burndown and harvest aid uses, and offers an effective alternative to glyphosate.
Weather protected seed expands the no-till planting window, no-tillers believe, dropping labor needs by 30 percent when it comes to getting crops planted on time.
In the Northern Corn Belt, no-tilling doublecrop soybeans can be as risky as betting on $5 corn. Mark Meyer of Jenera, Ohio, makes the practice profitable by using polymer coated soybeans in relay intercropping.
Polymer seed coatings will extend double-cropping northward, encourage no-tilling of full-season soybeans prior to corn and help no-till corn growers ignore the calendar.
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On this episode of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by Sound Agriculture, No-Till Innovators Allen Berry, Barry Fisher, Ray McCormick and Loran Steinlage share 4 tips for the upcoming growing season.
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