Sometimes you just know when you’re “home,” and I’m proud to say that after a three-year hiatus I am back working for you as senior editor of the Growers Division at Lessiter Media.

Some of the most satisfying work of my professional career came during the decade I served as an editor for No-Till Famer and Cover Crop Strategies, and as director of the speaker program at the National No-Tillage Conference.

For the last couple of years, I worked as managing editor of, a web portal that covered the security industry in North America. The massive website was read by industry executives, consultants and integrators and is the go-to resource for industry and breaking news.

I also spent a year editing a publication and website covering the utility industry — specifically, the fine men and women who serve as line workers, putting their lives “on the line” daily to keep electricity flowing to every household in America.

But now, I’ll be putting my energies to work, along with our editorial staff, to make the No-Till Farmer properties even better than they are now. Our in-depth print products have been the foundation of our success in providing actional information to no-tillers for the last 50 years, and that will continue. But we’ll also be working hard to deliver our content in digital form in recognition of how the flow of information in the industry has changed over the years.

It's a pleasure to return to a place where I know I can make a difference, with 12+ years of industry experience to share. In my prior tenure, I often fielded phone calls from our readers and followers when they simply needed a question answered about a problem they were having or needed to be pointed to the right resource. Those “touch points” with farmers (our customers) were moments I cherished as an editor and look forward to having again.

Consider this an open invitation to utilize both myself and our grower properties in the same way. It could be an archived article that is still applicable today that can be shared. It could be an industry expert or fellow no-tiller whose advice might be helpful. It could be some aspect of no-till farm management you think should be covered better. Or, if you just need to vent, that’s fine — we all do sometimes!

You can contact me at Let’s keep the conversations, ideas and SOLUTIONS flowing for the betterment of no-till!