Sometimes you just know when you’re “home,” and I’m proud to say that after a three-year hiatus I am back working for you as senior editor of the Growers Division at Lessiter Media.
For this episode of the No-Till Farmer podcast, brought to you by Pivot Bio, senior editor John Dobberstein spoke with Craig Bednarz, director of the West Texas A&M Semi-Arid Agricultural Systems who discusses his recent appointment, the big changes in store for the research program at the Institute and the renewed focus on promoting no-tilling and cover crops that growers should start to notice later this year.
For this episode of the No-Till Farmer podcast, brought to you by Pivot Bio, senior editor John Dobberstein spoke with Craig Bednarz, director of the West Texas A&M Semi-Arid Agricultural Systems who discusses his recent appointment, the big changes in store for the research program at the Institute and the renewed focus on promoting no-tilling and cover crops that growers should start to notice later this year.
In this episode of the No-Till Farmer podcast, brought to you by Montag Manufacturing, we share a Q&A interview with senior editor John Dobberstein and Rob Myers, regional director of extension programs for Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE).
In this episode of the No-Till Farmer podcast, brought to you by Montag Manufacturing, we share a Q&A interview with senior editor John Dobberstein and Rob Myers, regional director of extension programs for Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE).
Nick Vos is pushing to overcome moisture challenges on his farm in southwestern Kansas by no-tilling and using covers to recycle available nutrients and keep his sandy soils protected.
You need to see this video that shows how powerful a tool no-till practices can be for keeping soils in place, which if done on a more widespread basis might have reduced the severity of dust storms that recently plagued eastern Nebraska.
In the second part of this two-part podcast, brought to you by Montag Mfg., cover crop educator and Pennsylvania no-tiller Steve Groff concludes by sharing important insights for no-tillers who are grazing cover crops on their operation, as well tips for successfully planning and purchasing cover crop seed, and questions no-tillers should ask when identifying suitable seed suppliers.
In the second part of this two-part podcast, brought to you by Montag Mfg., cover crop educator and Pennsylvania no-tiller Steve Groff concludes by sharing important insights for no-tillers who are grazing cover crops on their operation, as well tips for successfully planning and purchasing cover crop seed, and questions no-tillers should ask when identifying suitable seed suppliers.
Here’s a quick view of what’s happening with Farm Bill negotiations and how they could impact long-standing conservation programs that play an important role in no-till and cover crop adoption.
Nick Vos is pushing to overcome moisture challenges on his farm in southwestern Kansas by no-tilling and using covers to recycle available nutrients and keep his sandy soils protected.
Nick Vos is pushing to overcome moisture challenges on his farm in southwestern Kansas
by no-tilling and using covers to recycle available nutrients and keep his sandy soils protected.
While small grains prices lag in traditional markets, General Mills will be using many of the conservation tools you’re already using on your farm to convert 34,000 acres in South Dakota into a guaranteed market for organic wheat.
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On this edition of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by CultivAce, No-Till Farmer’s Conservation Ag Operator Fellow, Ray McCormick, showcases how he’s taking conservation ag to the next level in Vincennes, Ind., with ponds, solar panels, duck hunting and more.
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