Articles by Frank Lessiter

Expand No-Till Rotations

Under the Freedom To Farm Act, Keith Glewen has noticed no-tillers are starting to diversify more with the crops they grow. "When the new government laws were passed, these farmers were concerned about seeing the day when we'll have mountains of grain and that day has come" says the University of Nebraska educator.
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Meet Me In St. Louis!

It’s definitely the place to be in mid-January if you want to learn everything there is to know about no-till and find new ways to sharply trim your 1999 cropping costs.
When previous National No-Tillage Conference attendees sign up for next January's annual event before seeing the lineup of topics and speakers, you know you've got a winning program.
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No-Till Bikers!

Along with 139,000 other bikers from around North America, this Ohio farm couple was in Milwaukee last summer for the big 95th anniversary Harley-Davidson celebration.
When it comes to changes for 1999, Rich and Marcy Little plan to use more Roundup Ready soybeans, use lower herbicide rates, do a better job of getting chemicals applied, try no-tilling soybeans in October or November and test for soybean cyst nematodes.
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Frank Comments

A New Look At Additives

Over the past few years, our No-Till Farmer editors have produced several articles about uses of several new crop additives. Some articles have cited research reports which indicated these additives would help boost corn yields for no-tillers, while other articles stated the additives weren’t living up to expectations.
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Weed Control Gets Cheaper

In early September, Monsanto officials announced price reductions of $6 to $10 per gallon for Roundup herbicide products. At the same time, technology fee increases were announced for Roundup Ready soybeans.
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Franks Comments

Get Set For Carbon Credits

For several years, there's been talk in western Canada about offering tax credits to no-till farmers who store additional carbon in the soil. A few years back, Canadian utility companies saw the concept as a way to offset huge penalties for atmospheric emissions from coal-powered electric plants.
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29 Solid Ideas For No-Tilling Success

Check out these valuable ideas from eight Washington and Idaho no-tillers to help you no-till better in the future.
Plenty of valuable ideas that you can use to make no-till even more profitable in your operation came out of presentations by eight veteran growers at last winter’s Northwest Direct Seed Intensive Cropping Conference in Pasco, Wash. These farmers rely on no-till to turn available moisture into higher, more profitable yields.
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