Questions regarding modifications and selection of no-till planters and drills are among the most popular topics being discussed by visitors on the No-Till Farmer sponsored Web site Bulletin Board.
“I’d bet every no-till couple has valuable farm office management ideas they could share at the National No-Tillage Conference in Cincinnati,” says Elaine Hottel of Burkittsville, Md. “Trading valuable farm office management tips, tricks, techniques and forms could be a very valuable part of next January’s meeting.”
With growing concern over the efficient use of nitrogen, a new system for applying anhydrous ammonia more accurately may be just the ticket for no-tillers.
Regardless of what tillage system was used, no-till consistently provided a moisture advantage over a 3-year period in the Mid-Atlantic Cropping Systems Project at Port Royal, Va.
Here's what veterans say about the advantages of no-tilling, concerns keeping other farmers from trying it and their thoughts on expanding no-till acres.
“I don't get it,” a leading farm magazine editor said to me at the conclusion of the seventh National No-Tillage Conference in St. Louis, Mo., in January of 1999.
When Neal Droupe unpacked a new chaff spreader, the Crandall, Manitoba, farmer felt he’d been robbed. In exchange for a $900 check, all he saw was a bunch of iron that didn’t look like it would do him much good.
How would you like to use a new sprayer in your no-tilled fields that would use only half as much pesticide as conventional sprayers, yet still do as good or even better in controlling insects and weeds?
Results of A recent California judicial ruling indicate plowing and deep ripping of wetlands may be against the law. As many no-tillers have maintained for years, the cropping and environmental perils of plowing may finally be recognized when it comes to controlling erosion and protecting our land.
Get full access NOW to the most comprehensive, powerful and easy-to-use online resource for no-tillage practices. Just one good idea will pay for your subscription hundreds of times over.
During the Sustainable Agriculture Summit in Minneapolis, Minn., Carrie Vollmer-Sanders, the president of Field to Market who also farms in Northeast Indiana and Northwest Ohio, shared why it is important for no-tillers and strip-tillers to share their knowledge with other farmers.
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