We can apply as much N and as many nutrients as we want to our fields, but without healthy soil those nutrients will end up wasted or washed away. So how do we get these nutrients to our crops?
Indigo Agriculture announced a deepened commitment to advancing discovery in soil carbon science, enabled by the acquisition of Soil Metrics — an industry-leading technology for comprehensive soil carbon and greenhouse gas (ghg) assessment in agricultural soils.
To support growers in their transition to regenerative soil health systems, the Fund will establish soil health and soil carbon targets for their farms, assess the economic and environmental benefits of soil health practices in cotton production and will provide education programs through farmer-to-farmer mentoring networks.
With the proprietary LiveMicrobe technology from 3Bar Biologics, growers can increase microbe shelf life by up to two years, saving them money and delivering the freshest, most active microbes available on the market.
Before switching to no-till, Kenyan farmer Pauline Mughambi had trouble feeding her two children from the yields on her 1 acre of land. She and another Kenyan farmer share how adopting no-till improved their yields, soil health and communities. The No-Till Passport series is brought to you by Martin Industries.
No-till has proven to be beneficial for farmers in Western Asia. Two farmers and a researcher share how no-till in Iran, Saudi Arabia and Turkey reduces erosion, increases yields, improves soil health and preserves moisture. The No-Till Passport series is brought to you by Martin Industries.
The number of no-till acres worldwide has increased by 93% in 10 years, bringing the total number to 507.6 million acres. The No-Till Passport series is brought to you by Martin Industries.
A new study finds measuring carbon dioxide flush, the bursts of carbon dioxide gas emitted when dried soil samples are rewetted, is a reliable indicator of soil microbial activity.
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In this 2025 National No-Tillage Conference session preview, Rockwell City, Iowa, no-tiller James Hepp checks in with a look at his highly modified Case IH 1200 pivot-fold no-till planter.
Needham Ag understands the role of technology in making better use of limited resources within a specific environment by drawing on a wealth of global experience to overcome the challenges facing today's farmers, manufacturers and dealers.
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