White Planters from AGCO has introduced White Planters Model 8936-30, the industry's first large-acreage row-crop planter available with factory-installed rubber tracks.
The University of Minnesota Extension and North Dakota State University Extension Service are sponsoring a Tires, Traction and Compaction field day will focus on the causes and effects of compaction in farm fields.
When planting is done and crops begin to emerge, no-tillers have a chance to evaluate how well their planter has performed — including whether the unit’s closing wheels are doing the job closing the seed slot.
Sudden downtime is the enemy of any productive farmer, and the sources of trouble these days aren’t just mechanical in nature. No-tillers are fighting a pitched battle with cornstalks that are eroding or puncturing tires on their tractors, combines, sprayers and other equipment.
“We knew it was coming, and here it is,” said Clark Stoller while standing in front of Kinze Manufacturing’s Product Center during its Dealer Days event in Williamsburg, Iowa, on July 29.
Cover crop roller-crimpers have several advantages over mowing, in that fewer trips are required to suppress the cover crop, less energy is used, residues persist longer and the residue is neatly laid in one direction, facilitating planting.
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On this edition of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by CultivAce, No-Till Farmer’s Conservation Ag Operator Fellow, Ray McCormick, showcases how he’s taking conservation ag to the next level in Vincennes, Ind., with ponds, solar panels, duck hunting and more.
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