Gregory Gilland, Business Development Manager of MAXAM Tire North America discusses MAXAM's performance range tires introduced to the North American agriculture industry at affordable prices.
Avishay Novoplanski, co-founder of Galileo Wheel, explains how the AgriCup wheel, debuted at the 2019 Farm Progress Show, provides a larger footprint, less compaction, better traction and enhanced lateral stability.
Brian Johnson, sales manager for Montag Mfg., debuts the Montag 2208 at the 2019 Farm Progress Show. The highly flexible system can be used to apply fertilizer, cover crops or a combination. Available in 60- or 100-cubic-foot tank capacities, the metering system can apply up to 800 lbs. to the acre at 5 mph, while being gentle enough to safely meter cover crop seed.
Matt Wolters, marketing manager for SureFire Ag, unveils the 3rd-generation model of the QuickDraw 3000 at the 2019 Farm Progress Show. The system includes carrier blending for 3 products, a 10” screen that’s 6 times brighter than the previous model, iPad app for remote display and remote start batch, and auto batch calculation for easier chemical mixing and loading of the sprayer.
Peter Goodge, product manager for KUHN, introduces the new 9400NT no-till drill at the 2019 Farm Progress Show. The drill featuring Helica meter design, smooth drop tubes and heavy-duty PRO openers for more precise seed flow, consistent seed depth and more even seed spacing.
Derek Allensworth, marketing manager for Yetter Mfg., discusses the benefits of the new 2969 IntelliNject Fertilizer Opener debuted at the 2019 Farm Progress Show. The IntelliNject places 2 bands of fertilizer behind the closing wheels up to 1.5” deep and 2-3” off the row and utilizes an air cylinder for in-cab adjustments to downforce or to raise the unit when not in use.
Steve Martin, president of Martin Industries, explains how the new Weight Transfer System for planters helps redistribute excess weight from the center of a planter out to the wings for improved planting depth.
New from AGCO comes the Challenger RoGator C Series AirMax Precision R1/R2, presented by Tactical Marketing Manager Dave Fickel at the 2019 Farm Progress Show. The new RoGator features an AirMax Precison R1or R2 single or twin bin setup with increased box size.
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On this episode of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by Sound Agriculture, No-Till Innovators Allen Berry, Barry Fisher, Ray McCormick and Loran Steinlage share 4 tips for the upcoming growing season.
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