Cover Crops

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No-Till And Strip-Till: The Best Of Both Worlds

Precision technology, cover crops and innovative equipment are helping Indiana no-tiller and strip-tiller Mike Shuter and sons get the most out of two different conservation-tillage systems.
The 1980s were difficult times for farmers, and it was no different for Mike Shuter and his family. Hoping to make due with less, they looked to no-till to reduce fuel, labor and expenses, with the hope of maintaining yields.
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Know The Source To Avoid Annual Ryegrass Issues

With supplies low, some companies are stretching annual ryegrass seed by mixing multiple varieties, possibly causing emergence and control problems for no-tillers.
No-Tillers seeding annual ryegrass in their rotation should take extra care to identify the source and variety of the seed they’re purchasing or they could run into some unanticipated problems.
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CCS Group

Valuable Tips For Continued Cover Crop Innovation

With the combinations and benefits constantly evolving, cover crops are showing more promise than ever to boost soil health and improve the bottom line for no-tillers.
Whether it's boosting soil organic matter, improving water infiltration, reducing compaction or fixing nitrogen, it’s more clear than ever that cover crops are at the center of discussion when it comes to progressive no-tilling.
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Iowa Learning Farms Launches Cover Crop Calculator

Cover crops are planted in the fall and stay on fields over the winter, covering the ground with foliage and holding soil in place with their roots. These assets help to slow soil erosion and reduce nitrate leaching, thereby improving water quality. They also improve soil health and productivity and suppress weeds. Many farmers are seeking management advice about implementing cover crops into their corn-soybean rotations.
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National Webinar Announced On New USDA Cover Crop Termination Policy

The National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT) and the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition (NSAC) will host an important national webinar on Jan. 23, 2014, to discuss the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) recent efforts to assure greater uniformity and clarity on its policy related to farmers who currently grow cover crops or may grow them in the future.
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