Articles Tagged with ''Cover crops''

Hairy Vetch Recommended as a Cover Crop

Bill Mitchell, a retired University of Delaware agronomist now living in New Hampshire, praises the nitrogen-producing qualities of hairy vetch as a no-till cover crop. After doing extensive research on hairy vetch, he believes it provides a 100-pound nitrogen credit per acre to the following crop and is suitable for corn.
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No-Till Advocate Gets Around And Keeps His Eye On Cover Crops

Indiana official shares his experiences and views on the benefits of cover crops for no-till fields.
"I get to see a lot of what some of the best farmers in the state and the country are doing. I find that most no-tillers, especially the ones committed to long-term no-tilling, are really chasing this thing called soil quality. That's what ultimately gives them an economic boost." --Barry Fisher
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Mark Bauer October 2006 NTF.jpg

Strip-Tiller Designs Heavy-Duty Machine

Mark Bauer says his Soil Warrior works in all soil types while blending nutrients into zones that don’t wash away.
There's a buzz — some of it positive, some not — coming out of southeastern Minnesota about a new strip-tilling machine. The chatter focuses on Mark Bauer’s Soil Warrior, which he says provides an unprecedented balance between conventional tillage and no-till.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Yes, You Can No-Till Into Live Cover Crops

Important lessons are still being learned, but the system further protects the soil for long-term benefits.
Anyone who heard me talk about my operation at the 2006 National No-Tillage Conference in St. Louis knows that I'm as close to paranoid about soil loss as a person can get.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

After Nearly 25 Years, Improvements Still Keep Coming

An open mind welcomes a lot of ideas that, with a little tweaking, can deliver even more success to your fields.
Talk to 10 no-tillers and you’ll probably hear 10 slightly different viewpoints on why it pays to quit disturbing and start building the soil. At Sheridan Farms, we’ve got our list, too. We’ve been able to drop from five marketed crops to two or three without any loss in productivity or farm income.
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Our Soil, Our Life

No-tilling helps this Wisconsin couple improve soil quality and preserve it for future generations.
While most Corn Belt no-tillers grow only corn and soybeans, Charlie Hammer prefers a three-way rotation. The operator of Hammer & Kavazanjian Farms with his wife Nancy Kavazanjian at Beaver Dam, Wis., prefers a no-till rotation evenly split between corn, soybeans and wheat in the farm’s 2,300-acre operation.
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