Articles Tagged with ''strip-till''

What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Striving For Lofty Goals With Strip-Till

Illinois father-son partners are seeking to hit consistent yields of 250 bushels after 5 years of highly successful continuous corn.
When I shared our no-till experiences at the 2004 National No-Tillage Conference, we had just made a serious shift from a corn-soybean rotation to continuous corn. After 5 years, we’ve learned a lot about growing corn on corn. Now we’re evaluating new technology that will take our strip-till operation to the “next level,” as I reported in Indianapolis during the 2009 event.
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2008 Product Of The Year

Fungicide Tapped By No-Tillers As Best Product For 2008

No-Till Farmer readers identify the cream of the no-till-product crop.
Trial and error is part of any innovative no-till operation, but with some insight from No-Till Farmer readers, maybe some error can be taken out of the trial. We asked our readers to cast their vote for the products that helped bring them success in the field in 2008. From equipment to inputs, readers identified their top products that worked as hard in the field as they do themselves.
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With Strip-Till, Hitting The Mark Makes The Difference

Repeating passes within RTK sub-inch accuracy has made this tillage practice viable.
If you want to know just how important precision is to strip-till, Steve Cubbage has a pretty good answer. The ability, in recent years, to use technology to repeat passes in the same location time after time is what has made strip-till a viable production system, the Nevada, Mo., strip-tiller says.
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No-Till Notes

No-Till Vs.Strip-Till

Is there a strip-till advantage, or can most no-tillers match strip-till yields with better management?
As more producers move toward no-till systems for conservation compliance and to reduce costs, some have chosen strip-till. Research shows strip-till corn yields have been slightly higher and more consistent than no-till in some areas.
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Fall Nitrogen Requires A Balancing Act

Reduce your spring workload and apply nitrogen more cheaply, but the risk of leaching could leave you short of nitrogen when corn needs it.
When you have a spring season like 2008, you can understand why some growers make an effort to apply at least some of their nitrogen in the fall. But just because you get your nitrogen applied before winter flies, that doesn’t mean it will all be there next spring and summer when your corn needs it.
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