Tillage Radish Honored As Top No-Till Product Of 2012

From no-till attachments to spraying equipment to crop protection, no-tillers voted for the best-performing products, across 13 categories, for their farm operations.

A product that serves as a foundation for innovative no-tillers looking to reduce compaction and enhance soil tilth has taken the top prize as No-Till Product Of The Year for 2012.

Cover Crop Solutions’ Tillage Radish seed finished first overall among 13 products that no-tillers had earlier deemed by their vote to be the best in their respective categories. The product was also the top vote-getter in the inaugural category of cover-crop seed in No-Till Farmer’s annual program.

The process to determine the No-Till Product of the Year started last summer when product nominations were accepted from both no-tillers and manufacturers.

Our initial voting by no-tillers last fall resulted in 13 product-category winners, and those products were put to a final vote to decide the overall winner.

The winners were announced and recognized in January during the 21st annual National No-Tillage Conference in Indianapolis, Ind.

Below is a summary of the 2012 winners, along with the “honorable mention” products in each category that received strong support in the voting.

2012 No-Till Product Of The Year & Cover Crop Seeds

Tillage Radish, 
Cover Crop Solutions

In addition to winning No-Till Product Of The Year for 2012, Tillage Radish also won the top award for cover-crop seeds.

Cover Crop Solutions is an agricultural seed company marketing cover-crop seeds, including its flagship product, the Tillage Radish. The Robesonia, Pa.-based company received big news last year when Tillage Radish was awarded U.S. Plant Variety Protection.

The Tillage Radish is a tuber featuring a single…

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John dobberstein2

John Dobberstein

John Dobberstein is the Senior Editor of No-Till Farmer, Strip-Till Farmer, and Cover Crop Strategies. He previously covered agriculture for the Tulsa World and worked for daily newspapers in Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Joseph, Mich. This is John's second stint with Lessiter Media, the previous lasting almost 13 years.

Contact: jdobberstein@lessitermedia.com

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