Items Tagged with 'No-till'



Covering All Bases with the National Strip-Tillage Conference

Spring has arrived and there’s plenty to be excited about as always: Opening Day (go Guardians), March Madness (sadly, none of my teams made the tournament), planting season (I can’t wait to visit some of your farms this spring) and the release of the 12th annual National Strip-Tillage Conference program. 

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How Minnesota Farmers Increased Residue Coverage by 28% in 4 Years

Tracking the use of practices like reduced tillage and cover crops that promote healthy soil is challenging but critical to gauge progress towards regional and state goals. Farmers are reducing tillage and increasing soil cover. We see more residue cover on the field, nearly doubling from 36% in 2016 to 64%.
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First Herbicides with ESA-Compliant Herbicide Label Approved

The EPA issued a final decision to approve Liberty Ultra (glufosinate-P), making it the first herbicide with a label for agronomic crops that follows the principles outlined in the EPA’s Herbicide Strategy, which is intended to help herbicide registrations comply with Endangered Species Act requirements.
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Rolling Down Cover Crops

Originally developed in South America, over the last decade roller-crimpers have become more popular in the U.S. as more no-tillers add cover crops to their system. These photos show some of the rollers invented and how some no-tillers are using them on their operations. To learn more about rollers and crimpers, see the article “Rolling, Crimping Can Help No-Tillers Use Covers Better."

No-Tillers Share Their Planter & Drill Setups

No-tillers from across the country share how they've set up their no-till planters to handle their specific conditions and help them achieve their goals.

Tweaking Plans for More Profits

Jordan and Katie Hancock of Fulton, Ky., have made adjustments to their equipment and cropping rotation in attempts to protect and improve their soils and profits. To learn about their operation, see the article “Adjusting Equipment, Adding Crops Improves No-Till Operation” from the October 2015 issue.

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