
SITUATIONAL AWARENESS. Kaiser Lake Farms is unique. The 1,300-acre block of farming is surrounded by high-value residential real estate and waterfront. The Kaisers do community outreach, forming relationships with and educating their neighbors about practices that conserve and protect the land they farm and the surrounding area. Ian McDonald, OMAFA field crop specialist

A No-Till Farming System 55 Years in the Making

The Kaiser family shares thoughts on best practices are constantly evolving for three generations working this Ontario no-till farm


  • There’s no one practice that creates farm success.
  • Early planting and early harvest makes room for opportunity.
  • Consideration of community makes for happy neighbors.

Our Farming System as it exists today didn’t just happen. It’s an evolution that has been 55 years in the making. 

It hasn’t been easy. Our farm is located on a point on the north shore of Lake Ontario. I purchased the first 300 acres in 1968. At the time most of the farm kids in the area were leaving because the heavy soil was so difficult to work with. Fishing was the primary industry and farm income was subsidized by renting cottages to fishermen. Eventually waterfront lots were sold and the farming community dwindled.

At the time I purchased, most of the farms in the area were forage based. I’ve had to gradually learn how to farm here. Our soils aren’t poor, but they’re certainly difficult. It took me a long time to find my way to a system that works and we’re still developing best practices as a family. 

My son, Max, now heads up the operation with the help of his children Rob and Molly Beth. The farm is unique in its challenges and each family member brings a strength that helps us continue to be successful both as farmers and members of our community.

The farm I grew up on is just 9 miles southeast of where I farm on Hay Bay today. I grew up raising poultry and producing eggs…

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Martha mintz new

Martha Mintz

Since 2011, Martha has authored the highly popular “What I’ve Learned About No-Till” series that has appeared in every issue of No-Till Farmer since August of 2002.

Growing up on a cattle ranch in southeastern Montana, Martha is a talented ag writer and photographer who lives with her family in Billings, Montana.

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