Items Tagged with 'what I've learned from no-tilling'


Veteran Indiana No-Tiller Passes Away

A true believer in no-till, Sam Swinford passed away on September 30. Having farmed all his life and no-tilled for 29 years at Flat Rock, Ind., Swinford believed in the many environmental and economic benefits of this reduced tillage practice.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

No-Till Lays Foundation for Consistent Crops, Rain or Shine

Financial challenges pushed Mike Belan’s family into conservation practices, but the Ontario no-tiller is focusing on improving soil health to propel the farm forward.
High interest rates were the push my dad and uncle needed to make the switch to no-till on our farm. They had long raised wheat, corn and soybeans on our generally flat Brookston clay fields that sit just 30 miles north and south, respectively of Lake Erie and Lake Huron.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Balancing Nutrients Restores Soils While Raising No-Till Yields

Cover cropping every acre, along with several applications of nitrogen and manure, allow Steve Berger to protect his land and raise healthy crops.
Location, location, location. That’s honestly one of the reasons I’ve been successful in no-till over the years. I’m not talking about the land, though — it’s the people I’ve been fortunate enough to be surrounded by.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Finding Security in No-Till and Diversity

No-tilling broke Mike Beer, and eventually his neighbors, out of a spring wheat rut and into crop diversity and economic success.
In the late 1980s, farmers in my region seemed to be stuck on a production plateau, or were even losing ground. Everyone was growing only spring wheat or barley and leaving half their acres in black fallow every year.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Cover Crops Transform Challenging Acres to Efficient Yield Leaders

No-tilling and cover cropping help Mark Turner reduce fertility needs and take fields considered too poor to grow corn to 200-bushel yields.
Pastures used to help hold the soil in place on the rolling hills that dominate our Kentucky farm. My dad raised cattle, so he would rotate fields between corn and hay. When he eventually retired, he liquidated the herd and shifted to row crops.
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Keeping Busy with Cover Crops

Attica, Ind., no-tiller Dan DeSutter is always looking for ways to improve his cover-crop system. We visited him in the spring of 2016 when he was rolling/crimping his cover crops and planting soybeans.

To learn about DeSutter's operation, check out the What I've Learned from No-Tilling article: Rejuvenating Acres and Ramping Up Soil Productivity.

Pulse Crops Amplify Production and Profits

Gordon Stoner no-tills his 12,000 acres of durum, green field peas, lentils, flax and corn in Outlook, Mont. The 22-year no-till veteran moved from a wheat-fallow rotation to pulse crops and has seen his soils and bottom line both greatly improve.

For more information on Stoner’s operation, read the What I’ve Learned From No-Tilling article: Diversity, No-Till and Continuous Cropping Bring Big Impacts to Bottom Line, published in November 2016. (Subscription)

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