University of Wisconsin-Madison No-Till Weed Control Research


Pairing Cereal Rye, Residual Herbicide Keeps No-Till Soybean Fields Clean

By Michaela Paukner

4,500 pounds of cereal rye biomass is sweet spot for suppressing waterhemp, according to university research

Cereal rye is a promising tool for weed control in no-till soybeans. Research from the University of Wisconsin-Madison finds using a cereal rye cover crop in addition to herbicides can keep fields clean without an impact on yield — as long as a good soybean stand is established.

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Adding Glufosinate to Tank Mixes Improves Overall Weed Control in Soybeans

By: Michaela Paukner

Research trial finds using appropriate nozzles compounds effectiveness of Liberty tank mixes

The future of weed control is tank mixes, according to researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and herbicide efficacy is greatly affected by what exactly is in the mix and how it's applied.

Nikola Arsenijevic, a graduate student at Rodrigo Werle’s University of Wisconsin-Madison weed research lab, is evaluating the impact of different tank mixes and nozzle selections on control of waterhemp, giant ragweed and annual grasses in soybeans.

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