Items Tagged with 'phosphorus management'


Martin closing system 2020

Embracing No-Till Innovations for Higher Yields and Less Nutrient Runoff

Never satisfied with the status quo, many no-tillers seem to always be looking for new solutions that will make them more efficient, improve profits and reduce the environmental impacts of their practices on the land. If there were a no-till motto, it might be “There’s got to be a better way.”
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NNTC16 Audio Presentations

Why Phosphorus is Leaving the Farm and What to Do About it - Joe Nester - NNTC 2016 Presentation - MP3 Download


Phosphorus has come under fire lately, especially around Lake Erie where toxic, blue-green algae blooms caused by phosphorus runoff have plagued the lake’s western basin the last several years. Why is this happening? Nester Ag owner and independent crop consultant Joe Nester from Bryan in northwest Ohio shares his thoughts on why phosphorus management is different today than it used to be. He talks about what practices no-tillers can employ on their farms to ensure their crops have adequate phosphorus while minimizing loss.


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