Items Tagged with 'Joel Myers'


No-Till Briefs: March 2024

  • Cover Crops Aid Transition to No-Till
  • Myers receives Leopold Conservation Award
  • Subsurface Band minimizes phosphorus loss
  • Cover Crops Free Organic Matter
  • Noll Receives Leopold Conservation Award
  • Diverse Rotations, Cover Crops aid Soil Health
  • Instinct N Stabilizer gives 3-Bushel Advantage
  • Cover Crops Reduce Nutrient Runoff
  • Dryland No-Tiller Tops Sorghum Yield Contest
  • No-Tiller Finds Freedom from Subsidies

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No-Till Farmer Influencers & Innovators

[Podcast] Joel Myers on the Rise of No-Till Pennsylvania

For this episode of the No-Till Farmer Influencers & Innovators podcast, brought to you by The Andersons, podcast focuses on the early days of no-till in the keystone state. Joel Meyers is nearing retirement now, but for 20 years as the NRCS State Agronomist for Pennsylvania, he helped to advocate no-tillage for the gently rolling hills and steeper slopes in Northern Appalachia.
For this episode of the No-Till Farmer Influencers & Innovators podcast, brought to you by The Andersons, podcast focuses on the early days of no-till in the keystone state. Joel Meyers is nearing retirement now, but for 20 years as the NRCS State Agronomist for Pennsylvania, he helped to advocate no-tillage for the gently rolling hills and steeper slopes in Northern Appalachia.
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Free eGuide

Soil Health in Field and Forage Crop Production

A publication to help farmers understand and improve their soil health through no-till systems.
Productive agriculture depends on healthy soil. Soil guarantees that nutrients are made available in sufficient amounts during a plant’s life cycle and it holds water that is then available to plants. It also provides many critical ecosystem functions that are necessary for life. In this free publication from Penn State University, you’ll learn how you can protect this valuable resource through no-till.
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Figuring Out Farm Bill Fundamentals

Four no-tillers faced the daunting task of breaking down the Farm Bill at the recent National No-Tillage Conference.
Armed with a lot of words like “possibly,” “guesswork” and “unsure,” four no-tillers bravely took the stage at the recent National No-Tillage Conference to explain what could be coming in this year’s Farm Bill.
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How Will The New Farm Bill Impact No Tillers?

Since many no-tillers already qualify for payments, you’ll be first on the list for 2002 farm bill payments.
Since most no-tillers probably already qualify for payments, the new 2002 farm bill offers plenty of opportunities and should lead to further expansion of no-tilled acres. But if you're just no-tilling corn and soybeans, don' expect that rotation to automatically meet the necessary government criteria in all states.
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Once Again, Plenty of Great Cropping Ideas Found At No-Tillage Conference

Celebrating its 10th year, the National No-Tillage Conference again delivered plenty of valuable cropping ideas from 55 speakers and networking with attendees in the hotel hallways.
Despite safety concerns since the September 11 terrorist attacks in New York City, Washington D.C., and Pennsylvania, the 10th annual National No-Tillage Conference attracted 682 attendees to St. Louis, Mo.
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