Items Tagged with 'bean'


Did The Cold Winter Kill Plant Diseases?

It has been a long cold winter with record low temperatures. This has led to some growers wondering if they still have to worry about plant diseases this growing season. As cold as it has been this winter, it may not have been cold enough for plant pathogens to die. Fungal pathogens have survival structures that enable them withstand very harsh weather conditions.
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Stacking The No-Till Rotation Deck

Rotating crops can benefit your operation, but going against instinct can pay off in a big way. How? Stack ’em.
Dwayne Beck is known for a lot of things, perhaps crop rotations most of all. This Pierre, S.D., no-tiller manages the Dakota Lakes Research Farm at Pierre, S.D., and dedicates a lot of his time to studying the improvement of no-till operations with the help of crop rotations.
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The Magic of Sunlight

Setting up your crops in 15-foot strips will boost no-till corn yields by 15 percent.
For no-tiller Doug Smith, inputs like fertilizer, her­bicides and fuel tend to be more expensive for the Thames­ville, Ontario, farmer than for his U.S. counterparts. So when you can get some­thing for free, you take advantage of it.
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