Cover crops offer a wide range of potential benefits for producers – better nutrient cycling, more weed suppression, more livestock forage, better soil structure, increased soil organic matter and healthier soil microbial communities. To reap those benefits, producers need to make some careful decisions.
In recent years, there has been more interest from livestock producers in applying manure to newly planted soybeans to provide moisture to help get the crop to emerge.
Earlier this summer, many growers, suppliers and educators figured the lessons learned the hard way in 2017 and 2018 would dramatically reduce this year’s concerns about dicamba use on soybeans. Unfortunately, that hasn't proved to be the case.
The predominant form of precipitation falling the last several weeks has been in the form of snow. This begs the question, “How much moisture is actually in that snow?”
Tom Gasper of North Vernon, Ind., talks about the benefits his family's no-till operation is seeing from using cover crops on more than 2,000 acres, the species they’re using and why they decided to have their covers aerially seeded.
Tillage practices that conserve moisture, plants that use water more efficiently and soil with more organic matter have produced higher yields even in dry conditions, according to South Dakota State University soil scientist David Clay.
In South Central Washington, you'll find one of the driest wheat-growing regions in the entire world. Receiving only 6-8 inches of rain per year, many farmers in this area rely on no-till to conserve water, maximize yields and earn better profits.
Twenty-five years ago, an extended dry cycle around Rapid City, Manitoba, prompted Ryan Nevin's father to implement no-till. Now, in their area's wettest cycle ever, no-till is still helping the Nevins "get it done."
The wet fields that have delayed growers from harvesting also increases the risk for yield loss from wildlife damage and weak plant integrity due to unfavorable weather conditions.
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On this episode of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by Sound Agriculture, No-Till Innovators Allen Berry, Barry Fisher, Ray McCormick and Loran Steinlage share 4 tips for the upcoming growing season.
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