Native seed mixes contaminated with Palmer amaranth have been reported in Ohio, Illinois and now Iowa, but should not deter no-tillers from establishing these resources, says Iowa State University Extension.
Make sure to scout for Palmer amaranth and waterhemp late this growing season to devise an action plan and prevent new infestations from taking place, says Ohio State University Extension weed expert Mark Loux.
Palmer amaranth has to date been found in about 11 Ohio counties, but there isn’t any real pattern to the distribution, says Ohio State University Extension.
If you have soybeans in your rotation — and 55% of Dryland No-Tiller readers indicate they do — you’ll want to pay increasing attention to any Palmer amaranth or waterhemp showing up in crops.
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Jill Clapperton, the world-renowned soil biologist gives us a taste of what to expect during her presentations at the upcoming 2025 National No-Tillage Conference. Head to or more information and to reserve your spot!
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