For no-tillers, the planter is the most crucial piece of equipment on their farm. This article will take you through the basic components of a no-till planter and provide you with tips for no-till planter maintenance from experienced pros in the industry.
A simple review of the planter bar’s setup can help no-tillers prevent many problems with seed placement and furrow closing and provide you with better planting results.
It's never a bad idea to revisit planter-maintenance basics ahead of spring planting, which Mark Hanna from Iowa State University Extension shares in this article with a special mention about no-till and reduced-tillage conditions.
Russ Wilson, from northwest Pennsylvania, uses 3 different species of grazing animals and 73 different plant species in a continuous no-tillage system to improve soil health and farm productivity.
Jerome Kovar, marketing manager for Nufarm, discusses the portfolio of pre-plant burndown herbicides available to help no-tillers start their planting with clean fields. He also discusses some new product launches.
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On this episode of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by Sound Agriculture, No-Till Innovators Allen Berry, Barry Fisher, Ray McCormick and Loran Steinlage share 4 tips for the upcoming growing season.
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