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Earn Big Bucks By Protecting Drinking Water

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How would you like to earn $212.48 per acre simply by adopting four conservation practices already used by many no-tillers?

If you’re an Illinois farmer located in the 590,000-acre Lake Decatur watershed, there’s a great opportunity to earn these incentives. It means adopting no-till or strip-till, cover crops, tile drainage and nutrient management. 

Despite investing millions of dollars, pollution is still a serious problem in Lake Decatur, which is the source of drinking water for 80,000 people. It’s estimated that $1 million of polluted topsoil and fertilizer sediment enters the lake each year. 

Climate-Smart Funding

The city of Decatur, the federal government, the Illinois Farm Bureau and 53 partners are involved in this program. A $9.88 million grant from the USDA Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) is funding the goal of reducing 50% of the sediment and 20% of the nitrate nitrogen flowing each year into Lake Decatur. 

These four practices qualify for the “high-return” payments:

  1. For adopting no-till or strip-till, a grower can earn up to $22.74 per acre.
  2. Growers can earn up to $103.80 per acre for utilizing overwintering, multi-species cover crop mixes. As an example, the per-acre cost might include seeding or application ($22.74), cover crop seed ($57.24) and termination ($23.10).
  3. Growers can be paid up to 100% of the cost of adopting a nutrient management plan and $85.94 per acre for deep placement of nutrients, along with soil and stalk testing.
  4. With a tile drainage management program, growers can earn 100% cost sharing for water control…
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Lessiter frank

Frank Lessiter

Frank Lessiter founded Lessiter Media in 1981 and has spent more than 50 years in the agricultural and equine publishing business. He still oversees all of the company's publications as Chairman and Editorial Director, with an Emphasis on American Farriers Journal and No-Till Farmer magazines.


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