Articles by Mackane Vogel

5 Key Elements of Locus AG's CarbonNOW Program

Locus AG recently hosted a digital demonstration, Get Confident in Carbon, with No-Till Farmer. Shane Head, director of customer success at Locus AG, and Mark Hill and Chris Lidgett, both directors of sales at the company, outlined details of the CarbonNOW program that pays farmers for sequestering carbon.
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Crop Protection

On-Farm Trials Show Cover Crops, Planting Green Can Suppress Weeds

Glyphosate-resistant weeds are suppressed by planting green, cover crop implementation and termination timing adjustment, according to on-farm trials.
Jim Stute, an independent research agronomist who has been studying cover crops for decades, conducted on-farm trials that suppressed glyphosate-resistant weeds by up to 95% by using cover crops and planting green.
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Organic No-Till Helps Ukrainian Farmer Manage Minimal Moisture

In part 2 of this edition of No-Till Passport, Ukrainian farmer Olexiy discusses organic no-till & the challenges of farming during wartime.
In the second installment of No-Till Farmer’s Ask the Operator webinar series, 2023 Conservation Ag Operator Fellow Loran Steinlage of West Union, Iowa, welcomed Olexiy and Konstantin, two Ukrainian no-tillers, to discuss their no-till operations and the regenerative practices they’re experimenting with in Ukraine. The No-Till Passport series is brought to you by Martin Industries.
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A Realistic Look at Refining EPA Pesticide Spray Drift Regulations

Syngenta’s Richard Brain & Dan Perkins of Ag Insight unpack their field spray drift study findings & explain how they came up with a more refined pesticide buffer.
EPA regulations require farmers to follow pesticide labels for the products they apply on their land. Protecting endangered plant and animal species plays a significant role in the decision-making process for these regulations.
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No-Tiller Shares Challenges of Farming in Ukraine During Wartime

In the second installment of No-Till Farmer’s Ask the Operator webinar series, 2023 Conservation Ag Operator Fellow Loran Steinlage of West Union, Iowa, welcomed a Ukrainian no-tiller named Konstantin, who shared the challenges of farming in wartime and what North American no-tillers should know about the ongoing war in Ukraine. The No-Till Passport series is brought to you by Martin Industries.
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5 Key Features of the New Kinze 5700 24-Row 20 Inch Planter

In February, Kinze introduced the 5700 24-row 20-inch planter equipped with the new 5000 Series row unit and several other productivity features. Brad Niensteadt, a planter product expert at Kinze Manufacturing, hosted a webinar where he explained how the 5700 handles the challenges of narrow-row, no-till planting. Here are the top 5 takeaways from the webinar:
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Breaking Down the Rhizophagy Cycle into 5 Simple Stages with John Kempf

John Kempf, chief vision officer and founder of Advancing Eco Agriculture, hosted a webinar titled “Regenerative Tools for Your No-Till Toolbox – Bringing Life to Your Soil.” In the webinar, Kempf dives into the relationship between soil biology and no-till farm management, and shares the value of biological inputs and the changes they can bring to your soil. One key to understanding this topic is understanding the rhizophagy cycle, which can be summarized into 5 stages:
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