Articles by Sarah Hill


No-Till, Cattle & Diverse Cover Crops Mix Well

The combination of a 3-way crop rotation, covers and grazing is resulting in big savings by reducing the number of tillage passes, increasing yields and improving soil health.
Salem, S.D., farmer Kurt Stiefvater started no-tilling 20 years ago to save soil moisture and save more money by reducing the number of tillage passes. He added small grains and cover crops to the 1,800-acre operation 8 years ago, and those decisions have improved Stiefvater’s yields, soil health and the condition of his cattle herd.
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Applying Manure with a Dragline Helps No-Tillers with Cover Crop Termination

Growers from Perrysville, Ohio, utilize manure from their 650-cow dairy to maintain high-yielding double crops, and feed for their herd.
The practice of using a dragline on emerging corn began in 2019, due to the extremely wet weather rearranging the Ayers’ cover crop termination schedule. The termination date varies each year, thanks to several factors, including the custom spraying schedule, the weather and what herbicide program the Ayers are using. They typically use glyphosate and 2,4-D to terminate the cereal rye.
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Increasing Diversity and Reducing Costs with Cereal Rye, Manure

No-tillers from Perrysville, Ohio, utilize manure from their 650-cow dairy to maintain high yielding double crops, and feed for their herd.

A lot can change in 30 years. In the early 1990s, Perrysville, Ohio, brothers Steve and Carl Ayers were adopting no-till and cover crops on 700 acres of continuous corn on their 650-cow dairy operation, creating a standard for other growers in the area to emulate. 

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Continuous Cropping Retains Moisture While Improving Profitability

Colorado farming operation utilizes multiple types of cash crops and high planting populations to minimize evaporation.

Roy Pfaltzgraff III, Haxton, Colo., successfully farms where it’s “bone dry.” But with a combination of persistence and a willingness to try new things, the family operation is thriving despite the lack of moisture. 

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Growing Food for Crops and Cows with Covers

Minnesota no-tiller Ben Dwire focuses on crop rotation to feed flora and fauna, conserve moisture and suppress weeds.

About 8 years ago, when Ben Dwire learned that no-tilling required less equipment and labor, and could make planting crops as easy as pulling into the field and getting started, he started questioning conventional methods. Dwire and his wife, Kristi, who farm 550 acres near Arco, Minn., turned to Kristi’s father, who no-tills in north central South Dakota, for advice. 

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Profiting from a Diverse No-Till System

Missouri no-tiller Macauley Kincaid has seen yields of corn, soybeans, wheat and other cash crops improve after experiencing limited success with conventional farming.

MACAULEY “MAC” KINCAID, of Jasper, Mo., comes strolling out of his house on a muggy summer morning, smartphone in one hand, coffee in the other. Wearing a hipster-style trucker hat, he carries himself with a palpable confidence and ease. 

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Editorial Viewpoint

Impacts and Insights of Influential No-Tillers

Our editors hear amazing stories from no-tillers every day, but not every quote or anecdote makes it into print for one reason or another. Here, we chronicle a handful of tales from our encounters that have made a lasting impression.

When I came to No-Till Farmer, I knew little about production agriculture other than what I gleaned during summer trips during the 1980s to my uncle’s small farm in western Michigan.

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