Articles by Katherine Meitner


Strip Away No-TIll Corn Challenges

This farmer says strip-till turned troublesome no-till corn into a highly consistent money-making opportunity.
No-tillers in the Corn Belt have different opinions about different practices. But one thing no one will disagree about is no-till corn, and how much more effort this crop takes to produce when compared to no-tilling soybeans.
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Tackling Tricky Soils

Understanding how soils work isn't an easy task. Here's the nitty gritty.
As no-tillers, you don’t need anyone to tell you that no-tilling is the best thing you can do to ensure your soils are protected and are helping the environment.
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Be Money Smart!

While purchasing a drill or planter is the right way to go when transitioning, it may not always be the most cost-effective option.
Dick Wittman is one smart cookie. Nothing that’s remotely involved with his 11,000-acre operation passes across his desk without his personal, careful examination. And its paid off in a big way.
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Ripping Success!

While many farmers claim the initial conversion to no-till will initially drop yields,this no-tiller says it can be avoided with ripping.
While there are certainly many concerns about no-tilling corn into cold and wet soils, it always seems to come back to the fear of reduced yields which keeps more farmers from giving this idea a try
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Value-Added Crops Are Coming!

Polling attendees at National No-Tillage Conference shed new light on present--and future--practices with value-added crops in no-till farming.
With the dawning of the new millennium, no-tillers certainly didn’t disappoint anyone when it comes to including new ideas in their farming practices.
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Resisting Weeds!

Current controllable weeds have the potential to become no-tiller's worst nightmare.
Dave Cole is worried. As a crop consultant with many no-tillers and president of Independent Technical Agricultural Consulting Of Wisconsin, Inc., (ITAC) in Prairie Du Sac, Wis., this crop scout with 40 years of scouting experience says some weeds, while they’re controllable today, have the potential to eventually be resistant to most forms of weed control.
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No-Till Online

Bushels Of Information

Check out these discussion topics from out No-Till Farmer Web site:
One of the things that makes the National No-Tillage Conference so successful year after year are the no-tilling roundtables.
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Opportunities A-Plenty With No-Till

To further illustrate the many opportunities that abound with no-till, this no-tiller surveyed the big wigs to crystallize that no-till works—and gained some valuable ideas in the process.
While no-till isn't a brand-new technique anymore, it is only now that we can reflect and improve upon the methods we've been using to save the farm, soils and the environment.
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