No-Till Farmer News

Different Perspectives on On-Farm Research Data

Leveraging data from each year's growing season can impact future success.
Every time we grow a crop, the interaction of genetics, management and environment (G x E x M) result in a unique outcome. This inherent variability of agricultural production systems has been a fascinating challenge motivating farmers, agronomists and researchers to identify consistent responses that can lead to more effective decision making.
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2019 National Strip-Tillage Conference Speaker

Starting Out in Strip-Till: An Economical, Efficient Approach

At the 2019 National Strip-Tillage Conference, Kent, Ill., strip-tiller Seth Wenzel will explain how to make a profitable transition into the practice without breaking the bank.
At the 2019 National Strip-Tillage Conference, Kent, Ill., strip-tiller Seth Wenzel will explain how to make a profitable transition into the practice without breaking the bank.
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Wet Fields Continue to Plague Corn and Soybean Growers

This spring has been called the wettest on record in the Corn Belt and other major growing regions of the U.S. and the pace of planting would seem to verify this claim. As of Sunday, May 26, corn planting in the U.S. is 32 days behind the 5 year average and soybeans are 37 days behind the 5 year average.
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no-till wheat and cover crop

Managing Weeds in a No-Till System

A primary principle in no-till farming is that tillage dramatically disturbs the soil, decreasing water infiltration capacity and increasing the likelihood of erosion, and yet many farmers continue to use tillage to deal with weeds that would otherwise hamper crop production in their fields. A no-till system offers techniques for killing weeds which do not destroy the structure of the soil the way tillage does.
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2019 National Strip-Tillage Conference Speaker

Cracking the Cover Crop Code: Mixes, Methods & Mistakes

Austin, Minn., strip-tiller Tom Cotter to share variety-selection tips and seeding strategies to maximize cover cropping ROI at the 2019 National Strip-Tillage Conference.
Austin, Minn., strip-tiller Tom Cotter to share variety-selection tips and seeding strategies to maximize cover cropping ROI at the 2019 National Strip-Tillage Conference.
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2019 National Strip-Tillage Conference Speaker

Ready, Set, Strip-Till: Proving First-Year Payback

Working with nearly 50 farmers on the west coast to implement strip-till, Illinois farmer Monte Bottens will share entry points and expansion opportunities for the practice at the 2019 National Strip-Tillage Conference.
Working with nearly 50 farmers on the west coast to implement strip-till, Illinois farmer Monte Bottens will share entry points and expansion opportunities for the practice at the 2019 National Strip-Tillage Conference.
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