One of the comments No-Till Farmer editors heard while pulling together material for last month’s 40th-anniversary issue was that some educators aren’t on board in promoting no-till. Such appears to be the case with Emerson Nafziger, who continues to devote considerable effort to the need for tillage
One of the comments No-Till Farmer editors heard while pulling together material for last month’s 40th-anniversary issue was that some educators aren’t on board in promoting no-till. Such appears to be the case with Emerson Nafziger, who continues to devote considerable effort to the need for tillage
Agronomist says a mixture of 28%, Thio-Sul, humates, sugar and water can help digest today’s tough corn stalks for better corn yields the following year.
Corn residue has its good and bad points. It’s not so good if it interferes with no-till seed placement or crop emergence, but it’s a great source of food for soil biological activity and contains valuable nutrients for the next year’s crop.
Some 35 years ago, U.S. Department of Agriculture staffers predicted we’d see more than half of all U.S. cropland being no-tilled by now. The 1975 report also indicated that by 2010, 41% of the ground would be minimum tilled and only 5% conventionally tilled.
Although researchers are not advocating paved lanes or painted lines down the middle of crop rows, some no-tillers are being encouraged to establish regular “tractor highways” in planting, spraying and harvesting.
From evaluating rotations and chemical options to designing the first successful no-till drill, Guy and Mort Swanson helped no-till take root in the Pacific Northwest.
Guy and Mort Swanson played key roles in developing no-till in a unique region that both desperately needed — and could easily live without — the practice.
Source: By Antonio P. Mallarino, Department of Agronomy,
Sampling under very dry conditions may increase soil sampling error because it is more difficult to control sampling depth and proper soil core collection.
One tip often shared by yield-contest winners is keeping no-till field conditions uniform, with even plant growth and competition for moisture and nutrients, says University of Nebraska Extension engineer Paul Jasa.
AgSynergy announces their new patent pending Genesis TRX applicators which use a single disk, high speed opener for precision placement of anhydrous ammonia.
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On this episode of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by Sound Agriculture, No-Till Innovators Allen Berry, Barry Fisher, Ray McCormick and Loran Steinlage share 4 tips for the upcoming growing season.
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