With much of the country suffering from a lack of moisture, it’s a good time to think about the many benefits no-till offers in capturing valuable moisture from snow cover. This is also linked to the height of standing stubble left in your no-tilled fields after harvest and the impact it can have on capturing winter moisture.
Washington no-tiller Byron Seney created an attachment that let him fasten a draper header to a tractor to swath and windrow wheat stubble for his baler.
Periodically I get phone calls from No-Till Farmer readers asking for advice on how to adjust or equip their planters to improve their no-till performance.
Soil Quality Specialist Jeff Hemenway of the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) in Huron said if producers reduce tillage or increase surface residue, they can increase infiltration rates.
Grazing corn stalks is of major importance to Nebraska’s beef cattle industry, particularly this year, and can be compatible with no-till crop production.
Aside from what goes in the bin, there probably isn't a more important task during corn harvest for no-tillers than making sure residue is properly processed.
Engineering improvements and on-the-go adjustment are making it easier for no-tillers to clear residue from the row and improve seedling emergence, crop stands and yields.
With tremendous pressure placed on timely planting, no-tillers are looking to have their planters functioning at a high level to maximize emergence and yields.
Source: By Andy Lenssen, Soybean Systems Agronomist, Iowa State University
Soybean is susceptible to yield loss from water deficit, drought stress, at two key developmental stages, germination and reproduction-seed development.
There are no major insect pests of soybean seedlings, but occasionally we do run into problems. Some folks use an insecticidal seed treatment in soybeans. While these products are effective to kill insects, they will not provide a yield benefit.
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On this episode of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by Sound Agriculture, No-Till Innovators Allen Berry, Barry Fisher, Ray McCormick and Loran Steinlage share 4 tips for the upcoming growing season.
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