Seeding & Planting


No-Till Bikers!

Along with 139,000 other bikers from around North America, this Ohio farm couple was in Milwaukee last summer for the big 95th anniversary Harley-Davidson celebration.
When it comes to changes for 1999, Rich and Marcy Little plan to use more Roundup Ready soybeans, use lower herbicide rates, do a better job of getting chemicals applied, try no-tilling soybeans in October or November and test for soybean cyst nematodes.
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Overcoming Planting Delays

When planting conditions are less than optimal, this no-tiller uses these sensible strategies.
Because the weather often is the determining factor in how early no-till planting can begin, Bill Hammitt holds a “wait-and-see” attitude rather than strictly adhering to a planting system previously mapped out.
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No-Till Drilling Dynamics

These simple, inexpensive ideas give this Nebraska couple peace of mind when drilling no-till soybeans.
No-tilling at the 1,010-acre Hanke farm in Wahoo, Neb., is a true family affair. While Gary Hanke is planting corn, his wife, Nancy, is drilling soybeans, and son, Mitch, is transporting equipment and also helping drill soybeans.
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Add Wheat To Strip Crop Rotations

Soybean yields improve with less competition, but watch out that your no-till corn yields don’t slip when planted into wheat stubble.
Corn yields have increased 15 percent to 20 percent for no-tiller Doug Smith when planted in six-row strips. But 15-foot-wide soybean strips planted next to the corn have seen yields decrease as much as 5 percent to 10 percent from conventional no-till soybean yields.
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Mixed Results, Uncertain Recommendations

Do crop additives work? Soil scientists don’t have any clear-cut answers.
With increased plant growth and yield increases in field trials, crop additives may have caught your attention. But these fertilizer additives are far from receiving an across-the-board endorsement from university researchers.
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Justified Cultivation

Adapting tried-and-true no-till to include field cultivation ahead of planting soybeans helped Brent Arp’s earthworm populations rebound.
It's logical that no-till fields would have more earthworms because tillage isn’t breaking apart their homes. What’s illogical is how after 20 years of no-tillage, Brent Arp saw a sudden decline in earthworm populations.
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29 Solid Ideas For No-Tilling Success

Check out these valuable ideas from eight Washington and Idaho no-tillers to help you no-till better in the future.
Plenty of valuable ideas that you can use to make no-till even more profitable in your operation came out of presentations by eight veteran growers at last winter’s Northwest Direct Seed Intensive Cropping Conference in Pasco, Wash. These farmers rely on no-till to turn available moisture into higher, more profitable yields.
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With Right Tools, No-Tilling Tomatoes A Reality

A Pennsylvania no-tiller uses Buffalo rolling stalk chopper and a specially designed planter to transplant no-till tomatoes into a cover crop.
Some 15 years ago, no-tilling tomatoes wasn’t even thought to be possible. But no-tiller Steve Groff has found huge success transplanting tomatoes into a thick cover crop with the aid of a Buffalo rolling stalk chopper and no-till planter developed at Virginia Polytechnic Institute (VPI).
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