Dwayne Beck has seen his fair share of struggling no-till operations. From poor emergence to poor yield, no-tillers ask him how they can improve their no-till systems. And he maintains much of this could be solved if no-tillers would only have a bigger picture of a crop production system.
Imagine that instead of watching the weather and worrying about when to no-till, someone else does it for you. You wouldn't have to worry about fertilizers, chemicals, weeds or even harvest.
In a move aimed at helping repair the damage caused by its earlier support of the terminator gene, Monsanto is releasing biotech research work dealing with the genetic structure of rice to the academic community.
For 14 years, Allen Franks has been no-tilling. And for 14 years, this no-tiller from Guthrie, Ky., has been working out the bugs to make no-tilling wheat a smoother and more successful operation.
There’s no doubt, many people are scared stiff of GMOs. And for good reason. But should they be? This British researcher says no—and has the proof to back it up.
Agriculture has seen better days. For the past decade, it seems one thing after the other has stirred up the general public, making them wary of trusting agricultural products, all the while hurting the American farmer in the end—as if the cash market isn’t bad enough.
"If I can convince you to slow down your no-till planting speed, I can make you some easy money" maintains Greg Sauder of Precision Planting in Tremont, Ill., and a veteran no-tiller.
Stan Rampton once thought his Simmental cows were just a way of squeezing some productivity out of the marginal, uncroppable land that makes up about one-third of his western Manitoba land base.
There's no doubt about it: emotions run high at the annual National No-Tillage Conference. Why? Because no-tillers are passionate about what they do and how they do it. Taking home a wrong idea and implementing it could cost thousands of dollars, or worse, could cause the farm to fold.
Get full access NOW to the most comprehensive, powerful and easy-to-use online resource for no-tillage practices. Just one good idea will pay for your subscription hundreds of times over.
On this edition of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by CultivAce, No-Till Farmer’s Conservation Ag Operator Fellow, Ray McCormick, showcases how he’s taking conservation ag to the next level in Vincennes, Ind., with ponds, solar panels, duck hunting and more.
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