Seeding & Planting


Stretch Your No-Tilling Window

Weather protected seed expands the no-till planting window, no-tillers believe, dropping labor needs by 30 percent when it comes to getting crops planted on time.
Would it make you nervous to no-till a field of corn in mid-March and then not see the plants pop out of the ground until sometime in May?
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GMOs Stewing In European Rules

No quick solutions foreseen in dispute between U.S. and European Union over biotech crops.
The trade dispute between the United States and the European Union over biotech crops, often referred to as genetically modified organisms in Europe, now lies with the World Trade Organization. A final decision could take more than a year, with the availability of European markets to U.S. farmers at stake.
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No-Tillers Need To Tell The Biotech Story

If you want to cash in on the strong benefits of using biotech, you’ve got to be involved in selling the concept to consumers.
“There are no downsides to biotechnology,” maintains Jay Lehr. The only exception, says the senior scientist with Environmental Education Enterprises in Ostrander, Ohio, is the public’s lack of knowledge about this new phenomena.
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Produce, Protect, Preserve, Profit!

Check the two dozen no-till lessons learned in southwest Ohio this year.
Wow, what a year! Who would have dreamed that our no-till planting window in southwestern Ohio would only run from March 28 to April 27. The few no-tillers who recognized early that the soil was ideal for no-tilling had an excellent crop. Many no-tillers who waited for the more traditional planting dates never got a crop in the ground.
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Tiling Called An Affordable Way To Increase No-Till Yields, Profits

Tile plow said to allow big returns on investment through improved soils.
“Improved drainage may be needed on many soils to obtain the best yields from a no-till system. Yields under no-till are often affected by poor drainage, more so than those under conventional tillage,” according to a study by soil scientists at Ohio State University.
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No-Till Online

What Comes Next?

To recrop or not recrop? And if so, what should be planted? Those are the questions. Growers offer the answers.
Many no-tillers are thinking about short-season crops, forage and ground covers, and some of those growers turned to Farmer’s Forum, the online bulletin board at, for advice from folks with experience in similar situations. Here are highlights from their discussions.
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Use Deep Zone-Tillage To Farm Vertically

Higher yields can result from getting crop roots to grow deeper in your no-tilled fields.
"If you want to double the size of your farm, farm vertically,” says Ray Rawson. The developer of several pieces of zone tillage equipment and a no-till corn and soybean producer from Farwell, Mich., for many years has taken the time to look beneath the soil surface. The result has been higher yields on his own and and many other farms.
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What's It Take To Capture No-Till Corn Contest Honors?

Contrary to what you may think, most contestants don’t go overboard with inputs in their contest fields and find that competing helps them find new ways to push up no-till yields across the entire farm.
When it comes to learning what it takes to turn out profitable corn yields, many no-tillers find they learn a great deal from having contest plots on their farms.
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Shop Talk

Biotech Leads To More No-Tilled Acres

Since herbicide-tolerant transgenic cotton varieties became widely available in 1997, the no-till cotton acreage has nearly doubled in the United States. A recent survey by the National Cotton Council indicates that no-till made up 29 percent of total cotton acres while reduced tillage made up 30 percent of all cotton acres in 2002.
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