Cover Crops

What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Efficient Fertility, Cover Crops Set The Table For A Life Of No-Till

Cover crops, specialty products and strategic fertilizer placement provide a yield boost for veteran Pennsylvania no-tiller H. Grant Troop.
I now know that what I was calling no-till in the early 1970s wasn’t what many would classify as no-till, but my farming operation now certainly fits the definition. Only the coulters on my no-till planter and drill crack the surface of my fields today.
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Cover Crop Mixes Dry And Wet Soils

With both extremely wet and dry conditions happening in the same growing season, it is not a stretch to call 2011 a strange year in Manitoba, but it has helped prove the effectiveness of perennial and annual forage seed blends known as "polycrops", or cover crops, in dealing with extremes of weather.
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No-Till Grows Beyond The Borders

Controlled traffic, cover crops and continuous no-till are boosting yields and profitability in South America, Australia and elsewhere as worldwide no-till acres near 300 million.
To gauge the world’s supply of arable farming acres, an agricultural expert once compared Earth to the size of an apple, cut into 32 slices. The number of acres suitable for food production represents only one slice, and the apple’s skin represents the world’s supply of topsoil.
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