Cover Crops


Cover Crops Vs. Tile: Which Is The Best?

In the spring, cover crops might serve as a less-expensive alternative to tile systems for drying out fields. But tile has its own perks, and the two systems may be best working together.
With crop prices and farm incomes at record levels, many no-tillers have been pouring substantial sums of money into improving drainage.
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Cover Crop Options after Corn or Soybean Harvest

With this years drought conditions there is less residue than normal in many fields. In some, the crop was harvested as a forage or cut as silage, leaving very little residue at all. Without residue to absorb the energy of raindrop impact and keep the wind off the soil surface, soil erosion will be greater and surface crusting could be a problem. Also, without the water-conserving residue mulch, soil moisture losses by evaporation will be much higher.
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Cover Crops: Starting Is The First Step

The right covers can transform tough soils, but no-tillers must fight past early challenges to find what works on their farm, Terry Taylor says.
Terry Taylor has spent much of his adult life figuring out how to unlock the potential of cover crops on his southern Illinois farm.
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