Cover Crops


No-Till Goes To Pot

As the debate heats up, Canadian growers discuss the good, the bad and the ugly of no-tilling hemp.
You can make rope out of it. Not to mention clothing. And diapers, cookies and lubricants. There's even talk of a new "super metal" that's stronger than titanium and lighter than aluminum. In fact, it seems there's not much you can't make out of it.
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30 Years And Counting

While no-till is a relatively new practice for some farmers, this no-tiller has been doing it successfully for 30 years, learning valuable insights and practices along the way.
Every no-tiller has had their share of challenges. Maybe you’re dealing with a difficult landlord or your seed dealer is 3 days late in delivering your special shipment of Bt corn.
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They Turned A Sow’s Ear Into A Silk Purse

With no-till, east Tennessee dairy producers grow above-average forages on below average land.
Hop aboard the “ag-train” and join us for an excursion to Tennessee’s scenic Monroe County. Located 50 miles southeast of Knoxville, the 660-square-mile tract lies in the Great Valley of eastern Tennessee along the western slopes of the Unaka Mountains.
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Frank Comments

Intercropping Can Work

At last months seventh National No-Tillage Conference in St. Louis, there was considerable interest in the soybean intercropping program used by no-tillers Keith and Doug Thompson of Osage City, Kan. With this unique doublecropping program they intercrop soybeans into standing wheat in early April.
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