Cover Crops

Cover Crops, Freeze-Thaw Cycle Favored For Undoing Compaction

An online discussion finds that most no-tillers prefer not to rip their fields and would rather rely on more natural methods to restore the structure of their valuable soils.
No-tillers forced to work in wet fields this fall after heavy rains might want to know that most experienced no-tillers favor the freeze-thaw cycle and cover crops rather than tillage to break up compacted soil.
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Shop Talk

No-Till Switchgrass Looking Possible

No-tillers have a stake in the production of ethanol. Currently, most ethanol is produced from corn, which has driven up demand and prices. But the consensus among researchers is that corn grain eventually will be replaced by other raw materials, possibly including crop residue, which could a revenue source for no-tillers.
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Despite The Known Benefits, Use Of Cover Crops Still Lags

Agronomists say more concrete information about costs and implementation must be provided before no-tillers widely adopt cover crops.
No-tillers are keenly aware of the benefits that cover crops can provide to their soil, yet a recent survey funded by the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture indicates that cover crop usage lags.
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Hairy Vetch Recommended as a Cover Crop

Bill Mitchell, a retired University of Delaware agronomist now living in New Hampshire, praises the nitrogen-producing qualities of hairy vetch as a no-till cover crop. After doing extensive research on hairy vetch, he believes it provides a 100-pound nitrogen credit per acre to the following crop and is suitable for corn.
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Is it Time to Replace Your Spray Nozzles?

Calibrating sprayers and checking nozzles step by step can prevent costly misapplication of your chemicals.
Given the high cost of applying pesticides in your fields today, replacement of worn nozzles is the best insurance against waste. The investment in a set of new spray nozzles is dwarfed by the cost of the chemicals being applied. But when should nozzles be replaced?
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No-Till Advocate Gets Around And Keeps His Eye On Cover Crops

Indiana official shares his experiences and views on the benefits of cover crops for no-till fields.
"I get to see a lot of what some of the best farmers in the state and the country are doing. I find that most no-tillers, especially the ones committed to long-term no-tilling, are really chasing this thing called soil quality. That's what ultimately gives them an economic boost." --Barry Fisher
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Yes, You Can No-Till Into Live Cover Crops

Important lessons are still being learned, but the system further protects the soil for long-term benefits.
Anyone who heard me talk about my operation at the 2006 National No-Tillage Conference in St. Louis knows that I'm as close to paranoid about soil loss as a person can get.
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